Unit 03_Vocabulary for Locating Things


College Languages - Unit 3: Getting to Know You (Vocabulary) Karteikarten am Unit 03_Vocabulary for Locating Things, erstellt von SLS Indonesian am 29/12/2021.
SLS Indonesian
Karteikarten von SLS Indonesian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Erstellt von SLS Indonesian vor mehr als 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
atas on top
meja table
kamus dictionary
di bawah below
kursi seat
gedung building
di sebelah/samping next to; besides
kedutaan embassy
depan in front
belakang behind
dalam inside
tembok wall
luar outside
terletak located
dekat near; close [use with "di"]
antara between
jauh far [use with "dari"]
berdiri stand
ada to be
perhatikan pay attention to
perempatan intersection
buku book
buku tulis notebook
kertas sheet
kunci key
jam dinding wall clock
dinding wall
jam tangan watch
map folder
papan tulis writing board
specialasi specialty
lukisan painting
jendela window
pintu door
tas bag
pensil pencil
penghapus eraser
pena pen
galeri gallery
bar bar
langit-langit ceiling [langit=sky]
bank bank
bandara airport
apotik pharmacy
atap roof
lantai floor
lampu light
monumen monument
halte bis bus stop
kantor polisi police station
mal mall
kebun binatang zoo [kebun = garden; binatang = animal]
kampus campus
kantor pos post office
rumah makan restoran
kanan right
kiri left
tempar parkir parking lot
taman park
rumah sakit hospital [sakit = sick]
sekolah school (below univ. level)
stasiun kereta api train station
garasi parker parking garage
bundaran circle
sudut corner
toko store
tengah middle
apartemen apartment
utarea north
barat west
barat daya southwest
selatan south
tenggara southeast
timur east
timur laut northeast
barat laut northwest
alamat address
kelima fifth ["ke"+ # = -th, etc.]
terletak located
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