Croatian_ Unit 1_Day 7


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Karteikarten am Croatian_ Unit 1_Day 7, erstellt von FSI Croatian am 27/06/2022.
FSI Croatian
Karteikarten von FSI Croatian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
FSI Croatian
Erstellt von FSI Croatian vor fast 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
telefonski broj (broj telefona) phone number
Izvolite! Here you go! (Please go ahead!)
posjetnica business card
on / ona će he / she will...
on / ona neće he / she will not...
zadnji, zadnja last
tajni, tajna secret
poruka message
jer because
Drago mi je što idem. I am glad that I am going.
ići to go
Baš se veselim. I am really excited, happy.
naš our, ours
znam da... I know that...
znati to know
mi smo željeli / željeli smo we wanted
željeti to want
intenzivno intensively
Nadam se da... I hope that...
nadati se to hope
već already
kao što just like
nažalost unfortunately
Više neću pisati. I will no longer write.
Dobio sam posao. I got a job.
dobiti to get
zato that is why, for this reason
sutra tomorrow
putujem I am traveling
putovati to travel
ja ću piti I will drink
ja ću (neću) jesti I will (will not) eat
kolač cake
jabuka apple
ja ću (neću) šetati I will (will not) go for a walk
Što ćete Vi raditi? What will you do / be doing?
Hoćete li / hoćeš li...? Will you...?
pozvati to invite
S poštovanjem Sincerely (with respect)
poštovanje respect
Zusammenfassung anzeigen Zusammenfassung ausblenden

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