Croatian_Unit 18_Day 1


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Karteikarten am Croatian_Unit 18_Day 1, erstellt von FSI Croatian am 24/07/2022.
FSI Croatian
Karteikarten von FSI Croatian, aktualisiert vor 6 Monate
FSI Croatian
Erstellt von FSI Croatian vor fast 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
oporavak recovery
oporavljati se od / oporaviti se od to recover from
to mjesto je poznato po that place is famous for
ptica bird
močvara swamp
uživo in person, live
micati se / maknuti se to move (oneself)
uhvatiti se u koštac s to tackle, grapple with
opijat opioid
na licu mjesta on the spot
nezakonit, nezakonita, nezakonito unlawful
naviknut, naviknuta used to
navikavati se na / naviknuti se na to get used to
odvikavati se od / odviknuti se od to quit, wean off of
pogođen / pogođena affected, stricken
ovisnik addict
izliječiti se to heal oneself
svjestan, svjesna aware, conscious, mindful
veseliti / razveseliti to cheer up
odobravati / odobriti to approve
noćiti / prenoćiti to spend the night
podsjećati / podsjetiti to remind
zavidjeti to envy
ležati / leći to lie down
klupa bench
postajati / postati to become
primijećivati / primijetiti to notice
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ähnlicher Inhalt

Spanisch Einstufungstest Niveau A1.1
Öff. Recht - Streitigkeiten Verwaltungsprozessrecht
PuKW STEP 2 (mögliche Prüfungsfragen/Prüfungsvorbereitung)
frau planlos
Raumfahrt II
Christian Kunzi
Qualitative und Quantitative Forschungsmethoden
Clarissa Müller-Stengel
BAS1 - Bau und Funktion des Bewegungsapparates (1)
Vetie - Histo & Embryo - P 2017
Fioras Hu
WT1 Uni Due
Awash Kaul
Vetie Viro 2012
Alena Gesing
Geflügelkrankheiten 2016
Birte Schulz
Vetie Spezielle Pathologie 2020
Svea Schill