French - English Vie culturelle - Dites-moi List 2


ILR Languages (French Intermediate) Karteikarten am French - English Vie culturelle - Dites-moi List 2, erstellt von Kristen Walters am 27/07/2022.
Kristen Walters
Karteikarten von Kristen Walters, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kristen Walters
Erstellt von Kristen Walters vor fast 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
at what time à quelle heure
abstract abstrait(e)
adjacent adjacent(e)
Alaska Alaska (l')
album album (un)
hello (on the phone) allo
let's go allons-y
America Amérique (l')
will appear (he, she, one) apparaîtra (il, elle, on) [apparaître]
appeared apparu(e)
was named, was called (he, she, one) s'appelait (il, elle, on ) [s'appeler]
appetite appétit (un)
to bring, to take apporter
to appreciate apprécier
Arab, Arabic arabe
money argent (un)
art art (un)
aspect aspect (un)
waits (he, she, one) attend (il, elle, on) [attendre]
to attract attirer
on the contrary au contraire
opinion, view avis (un)
basketball basket-ball (le)
librarian bibliothécaire (un/e)
of course bien sûr
good evening bonsoir
used to drink (you) buviez (vous) [boire]
coffee, café café (un)
center centre (un)
ceramicist céramiste (un/e)
cereal céréale (une)
each one chacun(e)
field champs (un)
to sing chanter
singer chanteur (un), chanteuse (une)
dear, darling chéri(e)
thing chose (une)
cinema, movie theater ciné (un) (abv. cinéma)
movie theater, cinema cinéma (un)
classical classique
cocktail cocktail (un)
heart cœur (un)
parcel colis (un)
collection, set collection (une)
how much, how many combien (de)
funny, comical comique
understood compris(e)
countess comtesse (une)
concept concept (un)
to confirm confirmer
knew, used to know (I, you) connaissais (je, tu) [connaמtre]
knowledge, acquaintance connaissance (une)
know (they) connaissent (ils, elles) [connaמtre]
know (you) connaissez (vous) [connaמtre]
knew, used to know (you) connaissiez (vous) [connaמtre]
knew, used to know (we) connaissions (nous) [connaמtre]
knows (he, she, one) connaît (il, elle, on) [connaître]
to know connaître
poppy coquelicot (un)
color couleur (une)
cousin cousin (un), cousine (une)
created créé(e) [créer]
criticism, review critique (une)
to cook cuire
thigh, leg cuisse (une)
culture culture (une)
moreover, as a matter of fact d’ailleurs
Damascus Damas
back de retour
swamped débordé(e)
discovered découvert(e) [découvrir]
to discover découvrir
defines (he, she, one) définit (il, elle, on) [dיfinir]
delegation délégation (une)
delight délice (un)
department, section département (un)
to drop off déposer
since when depuis quand
to disturb, to bother déranger
to dine, to have dinner dîner
say (I, you) dis (je, tu) [dire]
were saying (I, you) disais (je, tu) [dire]
diversion, entertainment distraction (une)
said (he, she, one) dit (il, elle, on) [dire]
to write écrire
written écrit(e)
element élément (un)
they elles (f.)
to employ, to use employer
besides, outside of en dehors de
place, location endroit (un)
interview, talk entretien (un)
era, epoch époque (une)
are (you) es (tu) [ךtre]
to hope espérer
were (we) étions (nous) [ךtre]
star étoile (une)
to study étudier
exactly exactement
existential existentiel(le)
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