French - English Vie culturelle - La parole est à vous List 6


ILR Languages (French Intermediate) Karteikarten am French - English Vie culturelle - La parole est à vous List 6, erstellt von Kristen Walters am 27/07/2022.
Kristen Walters
Karteikarten von Kristen Walters, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kristen Walters
Erstellt von Kristen Walters vor fast 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
know (they) savent (ils, elles) [savoir]
know (you) savez (vous) [savoir]
to marry se marier
to be located se trouver
feeling sentiment (un)
to practice s'entraîner
waitress serveuse (une)
to take care of s'occuper (de)
evening soirée (une)
sun soleil (un)
sumptuous somptueux, somptueuse
show spectacle (un)
viewer spectateur (un)
star, celebrity star (une)
successive successif, successive
succulent succulent(e)
south sud (le)
superb superbe
on, on top of, about sur
school monitor surveillant (un)
lead drum tambour major (un)
tapestry tapisserie (une)
hold (you) tenez (vous) [tenir]
to keep spellbound tenir en haleine
head tête (une)
theater théâtre (un)
shy timide
drawn, inspired from tiré(e)
to pull, to draw tirer
title titre (un)
tolerance tolérance (la)
touching touchant(e)
to touch toucher
first of all, to begin with tout d'abord
right away, immediately tout de suite
traditionally traditionnellement
translator traducteur (un)
tragic tragique
to treat traiter
peacefully tranquillement
to transform transformer
to transmit transmettre
very très
truce, respite trêve (une)
enough discussing trêve de discussions
Turkish turc, turque
Turkey Turquie (la)
unanimously unanimement
value valeur (une)
come venu(e) (venir)
please do (command) veuillez [vouloir]
vibrant vibrant(e)
visit visite (une)
sharply vivement
to see voir
neighbor voisin(e)
voice voix (une)
would like (he, she, one) voudrait (il, elle, on) [vouloir]
weekend week-end (un)
there y
to meet (each other) se rencontrer
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