French - English Vie du consommateur - Bavardons List 2


ILR Languages (French Intermediate) Karteikarten am French - English Vie du consommateur - Bavardons List 2, erstellt von Kristen Walters am 27/07/2022.
Kristen Walters
Karteikarten von Kristen Walters, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Kristen Walters
Erstellt von Kristen Walters vor fast 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
we say, let's say disons [dire]
maid, household help domestique (une)
economy économie (une)
effort effort (un)
would send (I, you) enverrais (j', tu) [envoyer]
about, around environ
would try (I, you) essaierais (j', tu) [essayer]
to be obligated to être tenu de
to pay attention to faire attention à
to work out, to do faire l'affaire
to do the shopping, to go shopping faire les courses
would do, would make (I, you) ferais (je, tu) [faire]
fixed fixe
smoked fumé(e)
to keep garder
generally généralement
ice cream, ice glace (une)
ice cube glaçon (un)
to taste, to try goûter
dressed, dressy habillé(e)
harmonica harmonica (un)
top (clothing) haut (un)
it would be necessary, we would need il faudrait [falloir]
it would rain il pleuvrait [pleuvoir]
to impose imposer
intention intention (une)
interest intérêt (un)
would go (I, you) irais (j', tu) [aller]
ham jambon (un)
juice jus (un)
milk lait (un)
to deliver livrer
when lorsque
to bargain marchander
to walk, to work, to function marcher
brown marron
melon, cantalope melon (un)
measure mesure (une)
mini mini
watch montre (une)
to clean nettoyer
nephew neveu (un)
offer offre (une)
olive olive (une)
orange orange (une)
to open ouvrir
partitive partitif, partitive
trap piège (un)
flat plat(e)
rain pluie (une)
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