Unit 06_Food Culture - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 6: Food and Celebration (Vocabulary) Karteikarten am Unit 06_Food Culture - Sheet1, erstellt von SLS Indonesian am 23/08/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Karteikarten von SLS Indonesian, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Erstellt von SLS Indonesian vor fast 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Lesehan A make-shift food vendor, commonly open at night. Customers sit on the mat.
Lontong Rice cooked in banana leaves.
Ketupat Rice wrapped in coconut leaves, famous food during the Ramadan celebration.
Bumbu-Bumbu Ingredients comprises of different kinds of spices.
Nasi Tumpeng A special yellow rice eaten during celebrations. The cone shape represents a mountain.
Jajanan Snack food sold on street side.
Pedagang Kaki Lima Mobile street vendor
Sesajian or Sajen Ceremonial offerings given to the spirits.
Gado-gado A mixed vegetable salad with peanut sauce.
Tempe Fermented Soy Beans.
Jamu Traditional Herbal Drinks.
Perasmanan Food Buffet.
Kenduri A banquet for remembering something, requesting blessing, and other religious ceremonies.
Cabe Rawit A small but very hot chillis.
Telur Mata Sapi Sunny Side-up
Ikan Teri Anchovies.
Ikan Kakap Snapper fish
Bubur Rice porridge
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