Private Peaceful (4)


Karteikarten am Private Peaceful (4), erstellt von Freya Jackson am 24/09/2022.
Freya Jackson
Karteikarten von Freya Jackson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Freya Jackson
Erstellt von Freya Jackson vor mehr als ein Jahr

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Which theme in the novel means what is right/wrong? Justice/ Injustice
Who is mean-spirited and has a vendetta against Charlie Peaceful? Sargent Hanley
Who hands over a watch in hospital? Charlie and Tommo
Quotation: “It’ll be a court martial for you. ___ ____ ____ ____ _____.” Quotation: “It’ll be a court martial for you. It’ll be the firing squad.”
Quotation: “My lungs are burning. I ___ _____ ______ ______.” My lungs are burning. I am coughing, retching, choking
Context: Which famous battle took place in 1916 with Britain and France against Germany? The Battle of the Somme
Context: How were many men sent to war? Many men
Context: What is the ground between two opposing trenches in a war called? No Man’s Land
Context: In World War 1, how many executions took place due to incidents of what two things? Deserters
What device is it where the weather/nature is personified (e.g. angry sunset)? Pathetic Fallacy
What device is used for the best or worst, e.g highest, slowest, tastiest (ends in ‘est’)? Superlative
Vocabulary: a word that means a situation? Scenario
Vocabulary: a word that means a twisted expression on someone’s face? Grimacing
Vocabulary: a word that is a sharp weapon similar to a knife or sharp sword? Bayonets
Vocabulary: a word that means to hold a grudge against someone? Vendetta
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