Module 3: Implement Windows Server DNS > Unit: Explore the DNS architecture


Karteikarten am Module 3: Implement Windows Server DNS > Unit: Explore the DNS architecture, erstellt von Rick Schoenman am 09/10/2022.
Rick Schoenman
Karteikarten von Rick Schoenman, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Erstellt von Rick Schoenman vor mehr als ein Jahr

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is DNS? DNS is an industry standard name resolution service, that primarily resolves hostnames to IP addresses.
If a DNS server can not resolve a query, what does it then do? - forward to another dns server - use the root hints to resolve it
What do domain-joined windows clients use DNS for when the want to contact a domain controller? The use the DNS server to locate the domain controller.
The naming structure that DNS uses is hierarchical, what does this mean? It means that a DNS namespace starts with a root domain and can have any number of subdomains
What is the difference between public and private domain names? Private: you can decide how to call the namespace. Public: you must register the domain name with ICANN or another registrar to register your domain name.
Where does a DNS server retrieves it's response from? First, from a local database. Else, it forwards it to another DNS server. The DNS server caches previously requested information from other DNS servers.
Which is a common Windows Server role that DNS is installed alongside? Active Directory Domain Services
How do you make an DNS server responsible for resolving requests for a specific namespace? You create a zone on the DNS server that corresponds to the namespace
What is the DNS resolver cache on a client? After a Windows client has received an answer from a DNS server, it stores this in the resolver cache.
Which commands can you use to view the DNS resolver cache on a Windows client? - ipconfig /displaydns - Get-DnsClientCache
Which commands can you use to clear the DNS resolver cache? - ipconfig /flushdns - Clear-DnsClientCache
Besides DNS, what other name resolution methods can a Windows 10 client use? - Check it's DNS resolver cache - Check the hosts file - Broadcast a NetBIOS name query - Check LMHOSTS file - Use a NetBIOS name resolution service like WINS
Describe a hostname - User friendly name that is associated with a host's IP address and identifies it as as TCP/IP host. - Max. 255 characters - is an alias or an FQDN - Applications use the structured FQDN in the internet.
Describe a NetBIOS name - nonhierarchical name - Max 16 chars, of which the last char is used to identify a service. - Represents a single computer or a group of computers
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