UNIT 11 flashcards


exercises 3 & 4
Cassandra Rivera
Karteikarten von Cassandra Rivera, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Cassandra Rivera
Erstellt von Cassandra Rivera vor mehr als ein Jahr

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
The ________ nurse washed her hands after working with each patient vigilant
This substance is ____________. it's not made with water. Alcohol-based
Peter is not getting better because his virus is _______________. drug resistant
_____________ kill most bacteria, but not all of them. Hand sanitizers
A nosocomial infection is one that cannot be cured with most drugs. Incorrect
The hands are a vector of illness. Correct
The man contaminated the wound when he touched it with his bare hands. Correct
Ventilator-associated pneumonia is common in pediatric units. Incorrect
MRSA can be treated using over-the- counter drugs. Incorrect
Lewis contracted E. coli after eating raw spinach. Correct
Staph infections are caused when a patient is on a ventilator for too long. Incorrect
The woman has a urinary catheter because she can't leave her bed. Correct
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