Art History Finals ID


ARTH224 final slide ids
jj emons
Karteikarten von jj emons, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
jj emons
Erstellt von jj emons vor etwa ein Jahr

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Velazques, Las Meninas (The Maids of Honor), Spanish Baroque
Vermeer. Woman Holding a Balance, Dutch Baroque
Rigaud. Portrait of Louis XIV, French French Baroque
Hardouin-Mansart and Le Brun, The Hall of Mirrors, French Baroque
Watteau. Pilgrimage from Cythera. Rococo
Fragonard. The Swing. Rococo
Greuze. The Village Bride. French Naturalism
David. Oath of the Horatii. Neoclassicism
Thomas Jefferson. Monticello. Neoclassical Architecture
David. Bonaparte Crossing the Alps. Neoclassicism
Ingres. Grand Odalisque. Neoclassic Romanticism
Gros. Napoleon in the Pesthouse at Jaffa. Neoclassic Romanticism
Goya. The Third of May 1808. Spanish Romanticism
Goya. Saturn Devouring One of His Children. Spanish Romanticism
Gericault. The Raft of the Medusa. French Romanticism
Delacroix. Women of Algiers. French Romanticism
Friedrich. Wanderer above a Sea of Mist. German Romanticism
Turner. The Slave Ship. English Romanticism
Manet. Luncheon on the Grass. Realism
Manet. Olympia. Realism
Monet. Impression, Sunrise. Impressionism
Caillebotte. Paris: Rainy Day. Impressionism
Van Gogh. Night Cafe. Post-Impressionism
Munch. The Scream. Expressionism
Gaudi. Casa Mila Apartments. Art Nouveau
Eiffel. Eiffel Tower. 19th Century Modern Architecture or Fin-de-siecle
Rodin. Walking Man. Expressionism or Fin-de-siecle
Picasso. Les Demoiselle d'Avignon. Cubism
Boccioni. Unique Forms of Continuity in Space. Futurism
Duchamp. Fountain. Dad
Dali. Persistence of Memory. Surrealism
Frida Kahlo. The Two Fridas
Wood. American Gothic. American Regionalism
De Kooning. Woman I. Abstract Expressionism
Warhol. Green Coca Cola Bottles. Pop Art
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