unit three


Jahsalyn Robinson
Karteikarten von Jahsalyn Robinson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jahsalyn Robinson
Erstellt von Jahsalyn Robinson vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Anorexia Nervosa food disorder where you don't wanna eat because you're afraid you'll become obese -Jahsalyn Robinson
BMI -Body Mass Index A weight to height ratio; a healthy BMI is considered between 19 and 25 -Jahsalyn Robinson
Bulimia Nervosa A psychological condition with physical effects in which a person binge eats and then rids the body of foods consumed by vomiting -Jahsalyn Robinson
Calorie unit of measure for the energy in food -Jahsalyn Robinson
Cholesterol Fat-like substance in all body cells. -Jahsalyn Robinson
Diabetes A condition in which the body cannot use glucose (sugar) normally. -Jahsalyn Robinson
Dietary Supplements Substances such as vitamins, minerals and herbals taken in addition to food. -Jahsalyn Robinson
Eating Disorder Popular weight loss method that ignores sound nutrition principles. -Jahsalyn Robinson
Fad Diet Popular weight loss method that ignores sound nutrition principles. -Jahsalyn Robinson
Healthy Weight A body weight that is appropriate for your height and benefits your health. -Jahsalyn Robinson
Heart Disease Any disorder that affects the heart's ability to function normally. -Jahsalyn Robinson
Obesity An excess of body fat that frequently results in significant health impairment. -Jahsalyn Robinson
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