Jeff Buckely's Grace revision cards


may not have all the information but has a brief overview
Karteikarten von 12-grace.thorne2029, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von 12-grace.thorne2029 vor etwa 8 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
Jeff Buckley's Grace Revision Cards
What key is the piece in? The piece is in E minor but is very dissonant so may not sound this way.
What metre is the piece? The metre is 12/8
What word in the chorus is melisamtic? Fire
What type of EQ is used? Telephone EQ
What is the tessitura in this piece? It has a wide tessitura
When was it written? It was written in 1994
What is the structure of the piece? Intro A Intro B Verse 1 Pre-chorus Chorus Link A Link B Verse 2 pre-chorus Chorus Middle 8 A Middle 8 B Link A LinkB Verse 3 Outro
Name 3 melodic features of Grace Acoustic guitar plays percussive riff in verses and choruses It uses guitar whispers Telephone EQ is used
Name 3 harmony or tonality features of Grace Guitar uses drop D tuning NOn-functional harmony Guitars use power chords
Are vocables used within this piece? Yes
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