Countries and Nationalities


Karteikarten am Countries and Nationalities, erstellt von nramharack am 04/02/2014.
Karteikarten von nramharack, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von nramharack vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
A new colleague is from Latin America but you don't know which country. How would you ask him where he is from? ¿De dónde es Usted?
Your sister tells you her (male) friend is from Guatemala. What does she say? Mi amigo es de Guatemala
Your parents are visiting some friends in Honduras. How would they call the people living in that country? Los hondureños
How would you tell someone that your father (padre) is Costa Rican but your mother (madre) is not Costa Rican? Mi padre es costarricense pero mi madre no es costarricense.
A stranger asks you what your nationality is. What does she ask? ¿Cuál es su nacionalidad?
A boy at a party thinks you are Puerto Rican. Tell him that you are not Puerto Rican, you are Mexican. No soy puertorriqueño, soy mexicano/ No soy puertorriqueña, soy mexicana
Your teacher tells the class that she is originally from Buenos Aires. How does she indicate what her nationality is? Soy argentina.
Your friend says that his new girlfriend is from the city of Santiago. He asks you to guess what country she is from. What do you say? Ella es de Chile.
You are in Mexico and a stranger hears you talking to your parents on the phone. How would he ask if you are Trinidadian? ¿Es Usted trinitario/a?/ ¿Usted es trinitario/a?
Your little sister is speaking with an American accent and it is annoying you. How would you tell her she is not American? No eres estadounidense.
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