B1.2 Animal and plant cells


Karteikarten am B1.2 Animal and plant cells, erstellt von Aaishah Din am 25/11/2016.
Aaishah  Din
Karteikarten von Aaishah Din, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Aaishah  Din
Erstellt von Aaishah Din vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Name the main parts of animal cells. - cell membrane - ribosomes - mitochondria - cytoplasm - nucleus
name the similarities and differences between animal and plant cells. plant cells contain all the features an animal cell contains, with additional features such as a cellulose cell wall, chloroplasts, and a vacuole full of sap.
describe the function of the nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane. - the nucleus contains genetic information and controls what the cell does - the cytoplasm is a liquid gel full of enzymes, it is where chemical reactions take place. - the cell membrane controls what goes in and out of the cell and movement of substances out of the cell.
what is the function of the mitochondria? (the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell). They are were respiration takes place, releasing energy from the cell. can you think of a cell which needs a lot of mitochondria?
what is the function of ribosomes? the ribosomes are where protein synthesis takes place, making all the proteins needed in the cell.
what is the function of chloroplasts? these structures contain a green pigment called chlorophyll. They are where photosynthesis takes place.
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