Periodic Table Groups flashcards


Part of our learning course on the Periodic Table, these set of flashcards present the main definitions required for understanding the Periodic Table. Easy to use, these flashcards will help you prepare for Chemistry tests.
Niamh Ryan
Karteikarten von Niamh Ryan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Niamh Ryan
Erstellt von Niamh Ryan vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Octet rule Octet rule: When placing electrons in orbits, the electron configuration with a full outer shell is preferable
Trend in density of halogens moving down the group The density of halogens increases moving down the group
Halide Ion X-
What happens in a displacement reaction? Give an example In a displacement reaction, a more reactive element takes the place of a less reactive element in an ionic compound. In a reaction between chlorine and sodium bromide, bromine and sodium chloride will be produced
Oxidation Loss of electrons
Reduction Gain of electrons
Inert Does not react easily. Noble gases are inert
Test for hydrogen Hydrogen burns with a squeaky pop
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