Diapositivas tech - english


Karteikarten am Diapositivas tech - english, erstellt von vivian katherine am 17/08/2017.
vivian katherine
Karteikarten von vivian katherine, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
vivian katherine
Erstellt von vivian katherine vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Among the main typical instruments we have: — La gaita (macho y hembra). — Los capadores. — Cununos. — Marimba. — Chucho. — Bombo, etc.
TYPICAL WIND INSTRUMENTS Among the typical wind instruments we have: -Flauta de caña. -Gaitas (macho y hembra). -Chirimía. -Capador. -Caña de millo.
TYPICAL PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS. These include: — Bombo. — Tambor mayor. — Llamador — Cununos (hembra y macho). — Chucho o maraca. — Marimba de caña.
Cununos and Magdalenian drum The potato and the rat are used in the Andean zone and in the plains. In some areas bordering Venezuela the rattle is changed to maracas. In the area of ​​the Pacific coast, where black folklore predominates, most of the instruments used are percussion instruments such as cununos, bass drum, tambora and guasás. The chonta marimba is used as a melodic instrument
La Marimba de Chonta.
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