Project Task 2.How to make presentations in English


Flowchart on Project Task 2.How to make presentations in English, created by Leyda Natali Cervantes Martínez on 29/02/2020.
Leyda Natali Cervantes Martínez
Flowchart by Leyda Natali Cervantes Martínez, updated more than 1 year ago
Leyda Natali Cervantes Martínez
Created by Leyda Natali Cervantes Martínez over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Your topic General introduction 
  • Formal:  -Greeting. -Say your full name. -Position.
  • Yourself Your audience must know you
  • Simpler: -Direct to the audience. "Today I'm going to talk about..." "I'd like to talk to you about..."
  • Informal: -Simple greeting. -First name. -Explain your position.
  • Complex: -Add detail. -You can break the idea into stages. Sart: "First of all I'll..." Development: "'ll continue by..." End: "Finally I'll..."
  • Bad They don't think they have to earn attention
  • Good They work hard to make everyone listen to them
  • Beggining: Be clear, create expectations and interest.   Audience: -Talk about a problem many people from the audience have. -Stablish a solution. -Talk about experiences, feelings  and facts. -Tell a short story connected to the topic.
  • Use: -Phrases to show audience where your points begin and end.   It will help you to: -Remind about things you talked about before. -Where you are. -Where are you going next.   -Detail, review and make a summary  about main ideas.
  • Structure Show people that the information is organized
  • Forget: words, where you were, what you were explaining.      Ideas: wrong, unclearly, forget to mention something important,  not knowing what to answer.
  • Use: -A cue card for:  Key Points Vocabulary   -Keep talking until you remember  
  • Difficult questions:   Delay: the answer by the end or later. Deflect: giving other question back. Dismiss: teling it's not relevant.    
  • Project task 2. How to make presentations in English.   Ayala Hernández Nadia Estefania   Cervantes Martínez Leyda Natali  
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