History of Christianity Timeline


121 Religion Flowchart on History of Christianity Timeline, created by Fátima Reyes on 05/06/2022.
Fátima Reyes
Flowchart by Fátima Reyes, updated more than 1 year ago
Fátima Reyes
Created by Fátima Reyes almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • History of Christianity
  • 800 BCE - 165 BCE The Old Testament is written.
  • 70 CE The Second Temple is destoyed by the Romans.
  • 50 CE - 120 CE The New Testament is Written.
  • 250 CE The Decian Persecutions against Christians in the Roman Empire.
  • 303 CE - 313 CE The Diocletian Persection, the last and bloodier of the persecutions against Christians in the Roman Empire.
  • 325 CE First Council of Nicaea.
  • 1054 CE The Great Schism split the Church into the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox.
  • 800 CE Coronation of Charlemagne, the first Emperor to be blessed by the Pope.
  • 1075 CE - 1124 CE Investiture Controversy: the Pope and the Emperor argue over the right to choose and install bishops.
  • 1095 CE The First Crusade at Clermont.
  • 1073 CE - 1085 CE The Gregorian Reforms by Pope Gregory VII: clerical celibacy, centralization of ecclesial power in Rome, the Pope as representative of Christ to all Christians everywhere.
  • 1099 CE The Crusades reach Jerusalem.
  • 1537 CE First officially-authorized English Bible
  • 1529 CE - 1531 CE King Henry VIII decides to break with the Pope and declares that the King has no superior other than God. 
  • January - March 1492 CE Spain defeats and expulses Muslims and Jews from the region, consolidating a Christian kingdom.
  • 1524 CE The first Catholic priests arrive in the newly conquered Tenochtitlán.
  • 1712 CE The Virgin movement of Cancuc.
  • 1816 CE The African Methodist Episcopal Church becomes the first independent black demonitation in the US.
  • 1830 CE Publication of the Book of Mormon.
  • 1545 CE - 1563 CE Council of Trent to discuss the Catholic response to the Reformation: condemnation of the doctrine of justification, Bible only has authority in the context of tradition.
  • 1962 CE - 1965 CE The Second Vatican Council.
  • 1968 CE Publication of The Church and the Second Sex by Mary Daly.
  • 1971 CE Publication of A Theology of Liberation by Gustavo Gutiérrez.
  • 1910 CE - 1915 CE Publication of The Fundamentals pamphlets.
  • 301 CE King Trdat III is baptized in the Christian faith and turns Armenia into the first Christian country.
  • 451 CE Council of Chalcedon.
  • 381 CE First Council of Constantinople, which affirmed the Nicene Creed.
  • 1695 CE John Locke publishes The Reasonableness of Christianity, following a trend that seeks to prove the existence of God.
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