Saddleback ARC
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on Kakadu National Park, created by Saddleback ARC on 10/27/2017.

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Saddleback ARC
Created by Saddleback ARC over 6 years ago

Kakadu National Park

Question 1 of 5


Who has lived in the area of Kakadu National Park for over 40,000 years?

Select one of the following:

  • Aboriginal people

  • Native American people

  • Kakadu people

  • Australian people


Question 2 of 5


What is listed in this text?

Select one of the following:

  • different places where you could see Aboriginal artwork

  • different ecosystems that can be found in Kakadu National Park

  • different styles of art used by Aboriginal people

  • different animals hunted and eaten by Aboriginal people


Question 3 of 5


Read these sentences from the text.

“The park is home to one of the oldest archaeological sites in the world. That’s why it is essential that this land is protected. Aboriginal people have been living in this region for over 40,000 years. As a result, they have left clues about their past cultural practices and beliefs.”

Based on this evidence, what conclusion can you draw about why the park land is protected?

Select one of the following:

  • The park land was protected because people did not want to deal with mining it or building things there.

  • The park land was protected because it is very expensive and difficult to set up archaeological sites.

  • The park land was protected because people want to learn about the ecosystems and animals there.

  • The park land was protected because people want to learn about Aboriginal people’s lifestyles.


Question 4 of 5


Read these sentences from the text.

“...there are many different ecosystems that the Australian government wanted to preserve. There are cliffs and rivers and hills. There are even waterfalls! Not only are the ecosystems diverse, the animal species inhabiting Kakadu are also diverse."

Based on these sentences, what does the word "diverse" mean?

Select one of the following:

  • dangerous

  • similar

  • different kinds

  • natural


Question 5 of 5


What is the main idea of this text?

Select one of the following:

  • Kakadu National Park has a lot of Aboriginal artwork, including X-ray art, which shows the bones and organs of animals and humans.

  • Kakadu National Park is a protected area with diverse ecosystems, wildlife, and clues from Aboriginal people’s past.

  • Kakadu National Park is protected mostly because of its diverse ecosystems and the animal species that live there.

  • Kakadu National Park is an area that is protected from human activities like hunting or mining.
