Vito Martino
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

2 Health and Safety Quiz on Know electrical safety requirement when working in the building services industry, created by Vito Martino on 10/30/2014.

Vito Martino
Created by Vito Martino almost 10 years ago
Vito Martino
Copied by Vito Martino almost 10 years ago

Know electrical safety requirement when working in the building services industry

Question 1 of 35


The colour and voltage to be used for powertools on a construction sites is?

Select one of the following:

  • Blue = 400V

  • Red = 230 V

  • Yellow = 110 V

  • d White = 25 V


Question 2 of 35


The safe use of electricity on site is covered by which Regulation?

Select one of the following:

  • Electricity at Work Regulations 1988

  • Electricity at Work Regulations 1989

  • Electricity at Work Regulations 1990

  • Electricity at Work Regulations 1991


Question 3 of 35


Electricity on site is normally at a reduced voltage, which reduced voltage is found on site?

Select one of the following:

  • 24 Volts.

  • 110 Volts.

  • 400 Volts.

  • 230 Volts


Question 4 of 35


When carrying out electricity site safety on tools, checks are carried out on all of the following except which one?

Select one of the following:

  • Check the supply frequency.

  • Check that RCD protection is provided where necessary.

  • Check for current PAT labels.

  • Power tools should be double insulated.


Question 5 of 35


Which of the following is a necessary check before using electrical equipment?

Select one of the following:

  • Check the tool is the correct colour

  • Check the cable is not frayed or damaged

  • Ensure the flex is brown

  • Check the brand of the tool


Question 6 of 35


To check a circuit is isolated and safe to work on you must?

Select one of the following:

  • Check with a reliable voltage indicator

  • Wet your finger and 'flash' test the conductor.

  • Check it with a home made lamp and flex

  • Get somebody else to check it


Question 7 of 35


To check a circuit is isolated and safe to work on you should?

Select one of the following:

  • Get somebody else to check it

  • Check it with a home made lamp and flex

  • Wet your finger and 'flash' test the conductor.

  • Check with a GS38 voltage indicator


Question 8 of 35


The ABC of resuscitation stands for?

Select one of the following:

  • Accident, Bleeding, Causality

  • Airways, Breathing, Circulation

  • Accident, Breathing, Causality

  • Airways, Breaks, Circulation


Question 9 of 35


The first action you should think of in the event of an electric shock to a colleague is?

Select one of the following:

  • Isolate the supply.

  • Remove the plug.

  • Check for your own safety.

  • Get help.


Question 10 of 35


If the casualty is currently suffering from an electric shock and you can not break the electrical supply by pulling a plug or switching off a supply what would be a good material for breaking the contact between casualty and supply?

Select one of the following:

  • Use a piece of metal trunking

  • Use a wooden broom handle.

  • Use your bare hands.

  • Use a piece of metal conduit.


Question 11 of 35


How would it be best to check the casualty's response if they were unconscious?

Select one of the following:

  • Pinch them hard on the arm.

  • Slap them hard on the face.

  • Talk to them and gently shake the casualty.

  • Ask somebody else if they knew their name.


Question 12 of 35


If the casualty was unconscious and lying on the floor what should you check for next?

Select one of the following:

  • Breathing

  • Bleeding.

  • Pulse.

  • Colour of skin.


Question 13 of 35


What is the correct immediate treatment for a burn?

Select one of the following:

  • Treat for shock.

  • Flood the burn with cold water.

  • Check for pulse.

  • Remove clothing.


Question 14 of 35


An electrical installation need to be isolated from the supply before carrying out work on the installation in order to prevent

Select one of the following:

  • damage to cables and components

  • interruption of the local supply system

  • possible electric shock

  • damage to appliances


Question 15 of 35


The first action to be taken if a person is found lying unconscious on the floor after receiving an electric shock is to:

Select one of the following:

  • check for broken bones

  • telephone for assistance

  • check for pulse and breathing

  • check for cuts and bleeding


Question 16 of 35


In accordance with the Electricity at Work regulations, when considering whether to work live a responsible person should:

Select one of the following:

  • do as the client demands

  • only work live

  • only work dead

  • carry out a risk assessment


Question 17 of 35


Test instruments used for working on electrical systems should:

Select one of the following:

  • have insulated test probes

  • have non-insulated test probes

  • be less than 10 years old

  • be yellow in colour


Question 18 of 35


Under the Electricity at Work Regulations, live working is considered:

Select one of the following:

  • never to be allowed

  • only to be allowed in exceptional circumstances

  • to be normally permitted

  • as entirely acceptable


Question 19 of 35


To prove a circuit or equipment is dead after isolation what is the FIRST activity in the sequence of events?

Select one of the following:

  • Check that the voltage detector is working on a proving device, known live source or in-built test feature

  • Check between line and neutral

  • Check between line and earth

  • Make sure equipment is not working


Question 20 of 35


The nominal single phase voltage in the UK is?

Select one of the following:

  • 400 volts

  • 415 volts

  • 240 volts

  • 230 volts


Question 21 of 35


When is live working permissible?

Select one of the following:

  • When the person carrying out the work is a competent person

  • When it is unreasonable in all circumstances for the equipment to be made dead and suitable precautions are taken

  • When the means of isolation cannot be identified

  • When the person working on the equipment is wearing rubber gloves


Question 22 of 35


Which of the following is not a requirement of low voltage safe isolation practice?

Select one of the following:

  • The conductors are proved to be dead at the point of work

  • Ensuring that the correct point of isolation is identified

  • The person carrying out the work is issued with insulating gloves

  • A caution notice should be applied at the point of isolation


Question 23 of 35


The specific effects on the human body of a major electric shock are one of the following:

Select one of the following:

  • broken bones

  • chest pains

  • burns and cardiac arrest

  • dermatitis


Question 24 of 35


The lowest level of electrical current which can harm the human body is normally measured in:

Select one of the following:

  • microamps

  • kiloamps

  • amps

  • milliamps


Question 25 of 35


Where mains voltage is used to supply portable equipment on a construction site, what additional protection is required?

Select one of the following:

  • Cable avoidance tool

  • Residual current device (RCD)

  • Step-down generator

  • Step-down transformer


Question 26 of 35


What colour cable USUALLY signifies 110 volt power supply on site?

Select one of the following:

  • Yellow

  • Blue

  • Red

  • Black


Question 27 of 35


A portable electric generator on site has two power outlets, 110 volts and 230 volts. What colour would the 110 volt outlet be?

Select one of the following:

  • Red

  • Blue

  • Yellow

  • Black


Question 28 of 35


The maximum AC voltage which the human body can withstand without long term physiological effects in dry conditions is:

Select one of the following:

  • 230 volts

  • 400 volts

  • 50 volts

  • 110 volts


Question 29 of 35


Which of the following statements is true with regard to the dangers of electricity?

Select one of the following:

  • Electricity is dangerous at any time because you cannot tell by looking at a cable whether or not it is live

  • Electricity is only dangerous in wet weather

  • Electricity is only dangerous if you are not wearing wellington boots

  • Electricity is perfectly safe so long as you wear cotton gloves


Question 30 of 35


What is the most serious effect that electric shock can have if you come into contact with a live part?

Select one of the following:

  • electric current can cause the finger muscles to twitch

  • The electric current can cause the heart to stop, resulting in death

  • The electric current can cause burn marks on the fingers

  • The electric current can cause a slight tingling in the fingers


Question 31 of 35


Your job involves you working near to hanging electrical cables which have bare ends. What should you do?

Select one of the following:

  • Attempt to push the cables back into the ceiling void so that you can start work

  • Inform your supervisor and keep well away

  • Carry on working, as there shouldn't be a problem

  • Touch the cables to see if they are live


Question 32 of 35


For all live working activities it is necessary to:

Select one of the following:

  • keep your fingers crossed

  • be accompanied

  • wear rubber gloves only

  • carry out a risk assessment as required by the EAW Regulations.


Question 33 of 35


The probes of voltage detectors and test instruments used on electrical systems should be:

Select one of the following:

  • coloured red

  • shaped or have barriers to prevent finger contact with the tips

  • accompanied by a calibration certificate

  • manufactured in the UK


Question 34 of 35


which of the following should be used to prove a circuit or equipment is dead after isolation?

Select one of the following:

  • A voltage stick

  • A multimeter

  • A proprietary test lamp or two-pole voltage detector

  • A lamp holder with a length of flex attached


Question 35 of 35


What is the recommended maximum voltage for portable hand lamps when working in confined or damp locations?

Select one of the following:

  • 400 volts

  • 230 volts

  • 110 volts

  • 50 volts
