хомяк убийца
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

God Philosophy Quiz on ГОС по БД #1, created by хомяк убийца on 03/23/2019.

хомяк убийца
Created by хомяк убийца over 5 years ago

ГОС по БД #1

Question 1 of 89


Define a degree of a relation

Select one of the following:

  • How many rows a table has

  • how long each tuple is, or how many columns the table has

  • how many different tuples there are

  • how many different datatypes table has


Question 2 of 89


Define a cardinality of a relation

Select one of the following:

  • how long each tuple is

  • how many columns the table has

  • how many different tuples there are, how many rows a table has

  • how many different datatypes table has


Question 3 of 89


Which of the following refers to union-compatibility requirements ?

Select one of the following:

  • Same number of columns

  • Same number of rows

  • Same number of tuples

  • Different domains


Question 4 of 89


Which of the following refers to union-compatibility requirements ?

Select one of the following:

  • Corresponding columns have the same domains

  • Same number of rows

  • Same number of tuples

  • Corresponding columns have the same fields


Question 5 of 89


Define a domain

Select one of the following:

  • restrict the possible values a tuple can assign to each attribute

  • relations to each other

  • uniquely identifies each tuple that appears in a relation

  • minimality of the attribute


Question 6 of 89


Define a foreign key

Select one of the following:

  • restrict the possible values a tuple can assign to each attribute

  • relations to each other

  • uniquely identifies each tuple that appears in a relation

  • minimality of the attribute


Question 7 of 89


Define a primary key

Select one of the following:

  • restrict the possible values a tuple can assign to each attribute

  • relations to each other

  • uniquely identifies each tuple that appears in a relation

  • datatypes of attributes


Question 8 of 89


Define restrict

Select one of the following:

  • stop the user from doing it

  • let the changes flow on

  • make referencing values the default for their column

  • make referencing values null


Question 9 of 89


Define cascade

Select one of the following:

  • stop the user from doing it

  • let the changes flow on

  • make referencing values the default for their column

  • make referencing values null


Question 10 of 89


Define set default

Select one of the following:

  • stop the user from doing it

  • let the changes flow on

  • make referencing values the default for their column

  • make referencing values null


Question 11 of 89


Define set null

Select one of the following:

  • stop the user from doing it

  • let the changes flow on

  • make referencing values the default for their column

  • make referencing values null


Question 12 of 89


Define Data Definition Language

Select one of the following:

  • Specify database format

  • Specify access controls (privileges)

  • Specify and retrieve database contents

  • Specify table attribute uniqueness


Question 13 of 89


Define Data Control Language

Select one of the following:

  • Specify access controls (privileges)

  • Specify database format

  • Specify and retrieve database contents

  • Specify table attribute uniqueness


Question 14 of 89


Define Data Manipulation Language

Select one of the following:

  • Specify table attribute uniqueness

  • Specify database format

  • Specify access controls (privileges)

  • Specify and retrieve database contents


Question 15 of 89


Which of the following does not refer to DBMS tools

Select one of the following:

  • Oracle

  • PostgreSQL

  • MySQL

  • Python


Question 16 of 89


Which of the following is used to provide privilege to only a particular attribute?

Select one of the following:

  • Grant select on employee to finance

  • Grant update(salary, rate) on employee to finance

  • Grant update(salary) on employee to finance

  • Grant delete to finance


Question 17 of 89


Which of the following statement is used to remove the privilege from the user finance?

Select one of the following:

  • Remove update on employee from finance

  • Delete select on employee from finance

  • Revoke update on employee from finance

  • Grant update on employee from finance


Question 18 of 89


Which of the following is true regarding views?

Select one of the following:

  • The user who creates a view cannot be given update authorization on a view without having update authorization on the relations used to define the view.

  • If a user creates a view on which no authorization can be granted, the system will allow the view creation request.

  • A user who creates a view receives all privileges on that view.


Question 19 of 89


If we wish to grant a privilege and to allow the recipient to pass the privilege on to other users, we append the __________ clause to the appropriate grant command.

Select one of the following:

  • With grant

  • Grant user

  • With grant option

  • Grant pass privelege


Question 20 of 89


Which of the following is used to avoid cascading of authorizations from the user?

Select one of the following:

  • Granted by current role

  • Revoke grant option for select on department from finance;

  • Revoke select on employee from finance, cashier restrict;

  • Revoke select on department from finance, cashier cascade;


Question 21 of 89


Privileges are granted over some specified parts of a database, such as a

Select one of the following:

  • Schema

  • Environment

  • Relation Or view

  • Query statement


Question 22 of 89


Prevention of access to the database by unauthorized users is referred to as:

Select one of the following:

  • Integrity

  • Productivity

  • Security

  • Reliability


Question 23 of 89


Database Authentication refers to:

Select one of the following:

  • methods of restricting user access to system

  • controlling access to portions of database

  • all of the answers mentioned

  • controlling the operation on the data


Question 24 of 89


A set of possible data values is called

Select one of the following:

  • attribute

  • degree

  • domain

  • tuple


Question 25 of 89


A functional dependency between two or more non-key attributes is called

Select one of the following:

  • Partial transitive dependency

  • Functional dependency

  • Transitive dependency

  • Partial functional dependency


Question 26 of 89


__ refers to the correctness and completeness of the data in a database.

Select one of the following:

  • Database security

  • Data constraint

  • Data integrity

  • Data independence


Question 27 of 89


Which of the following creates a virtual relation for storing the query?

Select one of the following:

  • Function

  • Procedure

  • View

  • None of the mentioned


Question 28 of 89


Which of the following is the syntax for views where v is view name?

Select one of the following:

  • Create view v as “query name”;

  • Create “query expression” as view;

  • Create view v as “query expression”;

  • Create view “query expression”;


Question 29 of 89


Updating the value of the view

Select one of the following:

  • Will not change the view definition

  • Will not affect the relation from which it is defined

  • Will affect the relation from which it is defined

  • Cannot determine


Question 30 of 89


Create view faculty as: Select ID, name, dept name from instructor; Find the error in this query.

Select one of the following:

  • Instructor

  • Select

  • None of the mentioned

  • View …as


Question 31 of 89


Which of the following is a basic form of grant statement?

Select one of the following:

  • Grant ‘privilege list’ on ‘user/role list’ to ‘relation name or view name’;

  • Grant ‘privilege list’ to ‘user/role list’;

  • Grant ‘privilege list’ on ‘relation name or view name’ to ‘user/role list’;

  • Grant ‘privilege list’ on ‘relation name or view name’ on ‘user/role list’;


Question 32 of 89


Retrieve all data from the table OFFICE { id,room, name}

Select one of the following:

  • Select *from office;

  • Select from office;

  • Select name from office;

  • Select *form office;


Question 33 of 89


Retrieve office name from the table OFFICE {id, room, name}

Select one of the following:

  • Select *from office;

  • Select from office;

  • Select name from office;

  • Select *form office;


Question 34 of 89


Retrieve office id from the table OFFICE {id, room, name}

Select one of the following:

  • Select *from office;

  • Select id from office;

  • Select name from office;

  • Select id form office;


Question 35 of 89


Retrieve office id and room from the table OFFICE {id, room, name}

Select one of the following:

  • Select *from office;

  • Select id, room from office;

  • Select room name from office;

  • Select id form office;


Question 36 of 89


Retrieve quantity of offices in the office table - OFFICE {id, rom, name}

Select one of the following:

  • Select avg (id) from office;

  • Select count (id) from office;

  • Select sum (id) from office;

  • Select max (id) from office;


Question 37 of 89


Retrieve total number scholarship in the students table – STUDENTS {id, name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid}

Select one of the following:

  • Select avg (scholarship) from office;

  • Select count (scholarship) from office;

  • Select sum (scholarship) from office;

  • Select max (scholarship) from office;


Question 38 of 89


Retrieve quantity of students in the students table – STUDENTS {id, name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid}

Select one of the following:

  • Select avg (id) from office;

  • Select count (id) from office;

  • Select sum (id) from office;

  • Select max (id) from office;


Question 39 of 89


Sort students name by descending order - STUDENTS {id, name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid}

Select one of the following:

  • Select name from students order by desc;

  • Select name from students group by desc;

  • Select *from students order by desc;

  • Select name form students order by desc;


Question 40 of 89


Find an average scholarship of students - STUDENTS {id, name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid}

Select one of the following:

  • Select avg (scholarship) from students;

  • Select count (scholarship) from students;

  • Select sum (scholarship) from students;

  • Select max (scholarship) from students;


Question 41 of 89


Find maximum scholarship of students - STUDENTS {id, name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid}

Select one of the following:

  • Select avg (scholarship) from students;

  • Select count (scholarship) from students;

  • Select sum (scholarship) from students;

  • Select max (scholarship) from students;


Question 42 of 89


Find minimum scholarship of students - STUDENTS {id, name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid}

Select one of the following:

  • Select avg (scholarship) from students;

  • Select count (scholarship) from students;

  • Select min (scholarship) from students;

  • Select max (scholarship) from students;


Question 43 of 89


Retrieve offices’ name and tutors’, who work in CSSE department. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, OFFICEID (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))}.

Select one of the following:

  • Select o.name, t.name from office o join tutor t on o.id=t.officeid where o.name = ‘CSSE’

  • Select o.name, t.name from office o join tutor t on o.id=t.id where o.name = ‘CSSE’

  • Select o.name, t.name from office o join tutor t on o.id=t.officeid where o.name = ‘csse’

  • Select o.name, t.name from office o join tutor t on o.id=t.officeid where o.name ‘CSSE’


Question 44 of 89


Retrieve all offices’ name and tutors’, who work in departments. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))}.

Select one of the following:

  • Select o.name, t.name from office o left join tutor t on o.id=t.officeid;

  • Select o.name, t.name from office o left join tutor t on o.id=t.id ;

  • Select o.name, t.name from office o right join tutor t on o.id=t.officeid;

  • Select o.name, t.name from office o right join tutor t on o.id=t.id ;


Question 45 of 89


Retrieve students’ name, who have more than average scholarship. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))}.

Select one of the following:

  • select s.name from students s where s.scholarship > (select avg (scholarship)from students);

  • select s.name from students s where s.scholarship > (select scholarship from students);

  • select s.name from students s where s.scholarship > avg (scholarship);

  • select s.name from students s where s.scholarship < avg (scholarship);


Question 46 of 89


Retrieve students’ name, who registered in 10th of Jan 2016. Tables: STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid }.

Select one of the following:

  • select name from students where registereddate = '2016-01-10';

  • select name from students where registereddate = '2016-10-10';

  • select name from students where registereddate = 2016-10-10;

  • select name from students where registereddate = '2016-01-01';


Question 47 of 89


Retrieve tutors’ name, who have more than experience others along with their students name . Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))}.

Select one of the following:

  • select t.name, s.name from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.tutorid where experience = (select max (experience) from tutor);

  • select t.name, s.name, max(experience) from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.tutorid;

  • select t.name, s.name from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.id where experience = (select max (experience) from tutor);


Question 48 of 89


Retrieve tutors’ name, who have less experience than others along with their students name. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))}.

Select one of the following:

  • select t.name, s.name from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.tutorid where experience = (select min (experience) from tutor);

  • select t.name, s.name, min(experience) from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.tutorid;

  • select t.name, s.name from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.id where experience = (select min (experience) from tutor);


Question 49 of 89


Increase tutors experience and students’ scholarship twice. Retrieve experience and scholarship along with their names. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))}.

Select one of the following:

  • select t.name,t.experience*2, s.name, s.scholarship*2 from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.tutorid;

  • select t.name,t.experience*2, s.name, s.scholarship*2 from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.id;

  • select t.name,t.experience*2, s.name, s.scholarship*2 from tutor t join tutor s on t.id=s.tutorid;

  • select t.name,t.experience*2, s.name, s.scholarship*2 from tutor t join tutor s on t.id=s.id;


Question 50 of 89


Retrieve office, tutor and students name, but tutors name should have y value. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))}.

Select one of the following:

  • select o.name, t.name, st.name from tutor t join office o on o.id=t.officeid join students st on t.id=st.tutorid where t.name like '%y%';

  • select o.name, t.name, st.name from tutor t join office o o.id=t.officeid join students st on t.id=st.tutorid where t.name like '%y%';

  • select o.name, t.name, st.name from tutor t join office o on o.id=t.officeid join students st t.id=st.tutorid where t.name like '%y%';

  • select o.name, t.name, st.name from tutor t join office o on o.id=t.officeid join students st on t.id=st.id where t.name like '%y%';


Question 51 of 89


Retrieve office, tutor and students name, but tutors name should not have y value. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutored (FK references tutor (id))}.

Select one of the following:

  • select o.name, t.name, st.name from tutor t join office o on o.id=t.officeid join students st on t.id=st.tutorid where t.name not like '%y%';

  • select o.name, t.name, st.name from tutor t join office o o.id=t.officeid join students st on t.id=st.tutorid where t.name not like '%y%';

  • select o.name, t.name, st.name from tutor t join office o on o.id=t.officeid join students st t.id=st.tutorid where t.name not like '%y%';

  • select o.name, t.name, st.name from tutor t join office o on o.id=t.officeid join students st on t.id=st.id where t.name not like '%y%';


Question 52 of 89


Retrieve students name and scholarship along with their department name, who have scholarship between 4000 and 5000. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))}.

Select one of the following:

  • select s.name, s.scholarship, o.name from office o join tutor t on o.id=t.officeid join students s on t.id=s.tutorid where s.scholarship between 4000 and 5000;

  • select s.name, s.scholarship, o.name from office o join tutor t on o.id=t.officeid join students s on t.id=s.tutorid where s.scholarship 4000 and 5000;

  • select s.name, s.scholarship, o.name from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.tutorid where s.scholarship between 4000 and 5000;

  • select s.name, s.scholarship, o.name from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.tutorid where s.scholarship >=4000


Question 53 of 89


Retrieve information about office and their tutors as well. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))}.d

Select one of the following:

  • select *from office o join tutor t on o.id=t.officeid;

  • select *from office o join tutor t in o.id=t.officeid;

  • select *form office o join tutor t on o.id=t.officeid;

  • select *from office o join tutor t on o.id=t.id;


Question 54 of 89


Retrieve office name and tutor name, which have maximum experienced tutors. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))}.

Select one of the following:

  • select o.name, t.name from office o join tutor t on o.id=t.officeid where t.experience = (select max (experience) from tutor);

  • select o.name, t.name from office o join tutor t on o.id=t.officeid where t.experience = (select min (experience) from tutor);

  • select o.name, t.name from office o join tutor t on o.id=t.officeid where t.experience = (select high (experience) from tutor);

  • select o.name, t.name from office o join tutor t on o.id=t.officeid where t.experience = (select low (experience) from tutor);


Question 55 of 89


Retrieve all tutors and students names. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))}.

Select one of the following:

  • select t.name, s.name from tutor t full join students s on t.id=s.tutorid;

  • select t.name, s.name from tutor t full join students s t.id=s.tutorid;

  • select t.name, s.name from tutor t full join students s t.id=s.id;

  • select t.name, s.name from tutor t full join students s on t.id=s.id;


Question 56 of 89


Retrieve tutors’ name and the number of students for each of them. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))}.

Select one of the following:

  • select count (s.name) as numberofstudents, t.name from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.tutoridgroup by t.name;

  • select count (s.name) as numberofstudents, t.name from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.tutorid;

  • select count (s.name) as numberofstudents, t.name from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.idgroup by t.name;

  • select count (s.name) as numberofstudents, t.name from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.id;


Question 57 of 89


Retrieve office name and the number of students for each of them. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))}.

Select one of the following:

  • select count (s.name) as numberofstudents, o.name from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.tutoridjoin office o on o.id=t.officeid group by o.name;

  • select count (s.name) as numberofstudents, o.name from students s on join office o on o.id=s.id group by o.name;

  • select count (s.name) as numberofstudents, o.name from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.tutoridjoin office o o.id=t.officeid group by o.name;

  • select count (s.name) as numberofstudents, o.name from tutor t join students s on t.id=s.idjoin office o on o.id=t.id group by o.name;


Question 58 of 89


Retrieve all students’ name and scholarship, tutors name except students who have scholarship 3000$. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))

Select one of the following:

  • select s.name, t.name from students s join tutor t on s.tutorid=t.id where s.scholarship <> 3000;

  • select s.name, t.name from students s join tutor t on s.tutorid=t.id where s.scholarship = 3000;

  • select s.name, t.name from students s join tutor t on s.tutorid=t.id where s.scholarship < 3000;

  • select s.name, t.name from students s join tutor t on s.tutorid=t.id where s.scholarship is 3000;


Question 59 of 89


How many types of anomalies exist?

Select one of the following:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4


Question 60 of 89


Which of the following anomaly does not exist?

Select one of the following:

  • Creation anomaly

  • Deletion anomaly

  • Insertion anomaly

  • Modification anomaly


Question 61 of 89


When an insertion anomaly occurs?

Select one of the following:

  • we are prevented from inserting some data into a relation until other data can be supplied

  • deletion leads to an unintended loss of data

  • it is possible that not all data needs to be changed will always be changed

  • it does not occur


Question 62 of 89


When a modification anomaly occurs?

Select one of the following:

  • it is possible that not all data needs to be changed will always be changed

  • we are prevented from inserting some data into a relation until other data can be supplied

  • deletion leads to an unintended loss of data

  • it does not occur


Question 63 of 89


When a deletion anomaly occurs?

Select one of the following:

  • deletion leads to an unintended loss of data

  • it is possible that not all data needs to be changed will always be changed

  • we are prevented from inserting some data into a relation until other data can be supplied

  • it does not occur


Question 64 of 89


Define inner join

Select one of the following:

  • selects all rows from both tables as long as there is a match between the columns in both tables

  • returns all rows from the left table (1), with the matching rows in the right table (2)

  • returns all rows from the right table (2), with the matching rows in the right table (1)

  • returns all rows from the left table (1) and from the right table (2)


Question 65 of 89


Define left join

Select one of the following:

  • returns all rows from the left table (1), with the matching rows in the right table (2)

  • selects all rows from both tables as long as there is a match between the columns in both tables

  • returns all rows from the right table (2), with the matching rows in the right table (1)

  • returns all rows from the left table (1) and from the right table (2)


Question 66 of 89


Define right join

Select one of the following:

  • returns all rows from the right table (2), with the matching rows in the left table (1)

  • returns all rows from the left table (1), with the matching rows in the right table (2)

  • selects all rows from both tables as long as there is a match between the columns in both tables

  • returns all rows from the left table (1) and from the right table (2)


Question 67 of 89


Define full join

Select one of the following:

  • returns all rows from the left table (1) and from the right table (2)

  • returns all rows from the right table (2), with the matching rows in the right table (1)

  • returns all rows from the left table (1), with the matching rows in the right table (2)

  • selects all rows from both tables as long as there is a match between the columns in both tables


Question 68 of 89


Define an union

Select one of the following:

  • сombines the result set of two or more select statements

  • returns all rows from the left table (1) and from the right table (2)

  • returns all rows from the right table (2), with the matching rows in the right table (1)

  • returns all rows from the left table (1), with the matching rows in the right table (2)


Question 69 of 89


INNER JOIN and JOIN are the same

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 70 of 89


Define self join

Select one of the following:

  • returns all rows from the table that references to yourself

  • returns all rows from the right table (2), with the matching rows in the right table (1)

  • selects all rows from both tables as long as there is a match between the columns in both tables

  • returns all rows from the left table (1) and from the right table (2)


Question 71 of 89


How many types of functional dependencies exist

Select one of the following:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 0


Question 72 of 89


Which of the following does not to the functional dependency

Select one of the following:

  • equational

  • full

  • transitive

  • partial


Question 73 of 89


Which of the following represent a full dependency?

Select one of the following:

  • it exists in relation if there is no attribute A that can be removed from X and the dependency still holds

  • if there exists an attribute A that is part of X that can be removed from X and the dependency still holds

  • x->y dependency in relation R and x, y , z are columns in R. X->Y and Y>Z in R. Final: X->Y

  • all above mentioned


Question 74 of 89


Which of the following represent a partial dependency?

Select one of the following:

  • if there exists an attribute A that is part of X that can be removed from X and the dependency still holds

  • it exists in relation if there is no attribute A that can be removed from X and the dependency still holds

  • x->y dependency in relation R and x, y , z are columns in R. X->Y and Y>Z in R. Final: X->Y

  • all above mentioned


Question 75 of 89


Which of the following represent a transitive dependency?

Select one of the following:

  • x->y dependency in relation R and x, y , z are columns in R. X->Y and Y->Z in R. Final: X->Y

  • if there exists an attribute A that is part of X that can be removed from X and the dependency still holds

  • it exists in relation if there is no attribute A that can be removed from X and the dependency still holds

  • all above mentioned


Question 76 of 89


When was first normalization developed?

Select one of the following:

  • 1970

  • 1972

  • 1973

  • 1974


Question 77 of 89


When was second normalization developed?

Select one of the following:

  • 1971

  • 1972

  • 1973

  • 1974


Question 78 of 89


When was Boyce–Codd normalization developed?

Select one of the following:

  • 1974

  • 1972

  • 1973

  • 1971


Question 79 of 89


Who is an inventor of relational model?

Select one of the following:

  • Edgar F.Codd

  • Raymond Boyce

  • Marine Jone

  • John Salamondor


Question 80 of 89


Which of the following refers to the requirement of 1NF

Select one of the following:

  • Each cell should be single valued

  • Entries in a column are same type

  • Rows uniquely identified

  • All above mentioned


Question 81 of 89


Which of the following refers to the requirement of 2NF

Select one of the following:

  • All attributes (non-key columns) dependent on the key

  • Each cell should be single valued

  • All fields (columns) can be determined only by the key in the table and no other column

  • All above mentioned


Question 82 of 89


Which of the following refers to the requirement of 3NF

Select one of the following:

  • All fields (columns) can be determined only by the key in the table and no other column

  • All attributes (non-key columns) dependent on the key

  • Each cell should be single valued

  • All above mentioned


Question 83 of 89


Define avg function

Select one of the following:

  • Returns average value

  • Returns total value

  • Returns the first value

  • Converts to lowercase


Question 84 of 89


Which function is used to retrieve quantity of rows

Select one of the following:

  • count

  • sum

  • max

  • avg


Question 85 of 89


Retrieve avg scholarship of students. Tables: office {id (PK), locations, name}, tutor {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, students {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))

Select one of the following:

  • select avg (scholarship) from students;

  • select aveg (scholarship) from students;

  • select avr (scholarship) from students;

  • select avgr (scholarship) from students;


Question 86 of 89


Retrieve students’, scholarship and teacher's’ name, who have more than average scholarship. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))

Select one of the following:

  • select s.name, s.scholarship, t.name from students s, tutor t where t.id=s.tutorid and s.scholarship> (select avg(scholarship) from students)

  • select s.name, s.scholarship, t.name from students s, tutor t where t.id=s.tutorid and s.scholarship> avg(scholarship)

  • select s.name, s.scholarship, t.name from students s, tutor t where s.scholarship> (select avg(scholarship) from students)

  • select s.name, avg(s.scholarship), t.name from students s, tutor t


Question 87 of 89


Retrieve students’, scholarship and teacher's’ name, who have more than average scholarship AND increase those students twice. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))

Select one of the following:

  • select s.name, s.scholarship*2, t.name from students s, tutor t where t.id=s.tutorid and s.scholarship> (select avg(scholarship) from students)

  • select s.name, s.scholarship*2, t.name from students s, tutor t where t.id=s.tutorid and s.scholarship> avg(scholarship)

  • select s.name, s.scholarship*2, t.name from students s, tutor t where s.scholarship> (select avg(scholarship) from students)

  • select s.name, avg(s.scholarship)*2, t.name from students s, tutor t


Question 88 of 89


Retrieve students and mentors name, but mentors registration date should be before students registration date. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))

Select one of the following:

  • select s.name, m.name from students s join students m on s.tutorid=m.tutorid where s.registereddate<m.registereddate;

  • select s.name, m.name from students s join students m on s.tutorid=m.tutorid where s.registereddate>m.registereddate;

  • select s.name, m.name from students s join students m on s.tutorid=m.tutorid;

  • select s.name, m.name from students s join students m on s.registereddate=m.registereddate;


Question 89 of 89


Retrieve the highest experience from tutor. Tables: OFFICE {id (PK), locations, name}, TUTOR {id (PK), name, officeid (FK references office (id)), experience}, STUDENTS {id (PK), name, scholarship, registereddate, tutorid (FK references tutor (id))

Select one of the following:

  • select max (experience) from tutor;

  • select min (experience) from tutor;

  • select max (t.experience) from tutor t group by t.name;

  • select min (t.experience) from tutor t group by t.name;
