Konrad O'Neill
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Cambridge IGCSE Biology (eutrophication) Quiz on Eutrophication, created by Konrad O'Neill on 08/28/2013.

Konrad O'Neill
Created by Konrad O'Neill about 11 years ago


Question 1 of 5


What is Eutrophication?

Select one of the following:

  • -mineral ions from organic fertilisers dissolve in rainwater and leach out of the soil
    -Nitrates leach into rivers
    -algae grows and blooms because there are more nitrates to make protein
    -Algal bloom cuts off light to algae + rivers below so they can't PHS and die
    -Bacterial decomposer pop inc. they use O2 up in respiration
    -Fish and invertebrates don't have enough O2 to respire+die

  • jjjb


Question 2 of 5


What effect does inorganic fertilisers have on eutrophication and why?

Select one of the following:

  • -inc of nitrates conc, more nitrates leach into rivers
    -algae rate of growth inc + forms algal bloom, because more nitrates to make protein
    -this leads to plants below algal blloms to not have enough light for PHS and die
    -Bacterial decomposer pop inc, they use up o2 in respiration
    -this leads to fish and invertebrates not having enough o2 to respire+die

  • kyuyufk


Question 3 of 5


Why is sewage treatment important in reducing Eutrophication

Select one of the following:

  • -Important because decomposers decompose amino acds to ammonia (eg fungi)
    -Ammonia converted to NItrites to Nitrates by Nitrifying bacteria
    -Inc conc ofNitrates leads to eutrophication as algae have more Nitrates to make protein

  • juhyfiuyfg


Question 4 of 5


Name as least 3 sources of Nitrogen to aquatic environments that can cause Eutrophication

Select one of the following:

  • -Acid rain (NO in rain)/detergents
    -Inorganic and Organic Fertilisers

  • jhgvuiy


Question 5 of 5


Explain why sewage outlets in rivers can result in the death of fish?

Select one of the following:

  • -Sewage provides nutrients for bacterial growth
    -Bacterial pop inc.
    -bacteria decompose and respire
    -use up o2 = o2 depletion
    -not enough o2 for fish to respire and they die
    -sewage can also lead to eutrophication which can also result in the death of fish

  • asuodcf;ORH
