Created by eilish.waite
almost 10 years ago
Define: Magnification
Define: Resolution
What is the maximum magnification of a Light Microscope?
What is the maximum resolution of a Light Microscope?
What are the two ways of preparing specimens for the Light Microscope?
How do you work out either actual size, image size or magnification of a specimen?
What is the maximum magnification of a Transmission Electron Microscope?
What is the maximum resolution of Transition Electron Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope?
What is the maximum magnification of a Scanning Electron Microscope?
How does the Transmission Electron Microscope get its image?
How does a Scanning Electron Microscope produce an image?
What is the structure of the cytoskeleton?
What is the role of the cytoskeleton?
What is a vesicle?
What is the role of the nucleus?
What is the role of the Rough Endoplasmic Recticulum?
What is the role of the Smooth Endoplasmic Recticulum?
What is the role of the Golgi Apparatus?
What is the role of a mitochondria?
What is the role of chloroplasts?
What is the role of a lysosome?
What is the role of ribosomes?
What is the role of a centriole?
What is division of labour?
What is a prokaryote?
What is the difference between a prokaryote and a eukaryote?
What are the differences between plant cells and animal cells?
What are the roles of membranes?
What two components make up the phospholipid bilayer?
Define: Fluid Mosaic Model
What is the role of cholesterol?
What is the role of phospholipids?
What is the role of glycolipids?
What is the role of glycoproteins?
What is the role of proteins?
What is the role of channel proteins?
What is the role of a carrier protein?
What is the role of a receptor cell?
What happens to the membrane when temperature is changed?
What is cell signalling?
What is the role of membrane-bound receptors as sites where hormones can bind?
What is the role of membrane-bound receptors as sites where drugs can bind?
Define: Cell Signalling
Define: Diffusion
What is passive transport?
What is active transport?
What is endocytosis?
What is exocytosis?
What is osmosis?
What happens to a plant cell if it is placed in a high water potential?
What happens if a plant cell is placed in a solution with a negative water potential?
What happens if a plant cell is solution with a high water potential?
What happens to a plant cell if it is placed in a solution with a negative water potential?
What factors affect the rate of diffusion?
What is facilitated diffusion?
Define: Mitosis
When does mitosis occur?
Define: Meiosis
When does meiosis occur?
As mitosis only occupies a small percentage of the cell cycle, what occupies the other percent?
What are the stages of mitosis?
What occurs in Interphase?
What occurs in Prophase?
What occurs in Metaphase?
What occurs in Anaphase?
What occurs in Telophase?
Define: Cytokinesis
As the chromosomes are being replicated why are the checked by enzymes?
What cells can mitosis occur in?
Define: Homologous pair of chromosomes
What is budding?
Define: Stem Cell
How are erythrocytes specialised for their function?
How are neutrophils specialised to suit their function?
How are epithelial cells specialised to suit their function?
How does the organelle content of sperms help their function?
How does the shape of sperm cells herlp their function?
How does the content of sperm cells help specialise their function?
How are palisade cells specialised for their function?
How are root hair cells specialised to suit their function?
How are guard cells specialised to suit their function?
What is tissue?
What are organs?
What are organ systems?
What are the four main types of animal tissue, and what are they used for?
How is squamous epithelial tissue specialised?
How is ciliated epithelial tissue specialised to suit their function?
How is the xylem specialised to suit suit their function?
How is the phloem specialised to suit their function?
Why is cooperation between cells, tissues, organs and organ systems important?