Created by remy.richman
almost 9 years ago
1)Identification of Key customers or customer groups is an element of................... management
2) by far the largest source of variability in most supply chains
3) provides customers with real time information, shipment dates & product availability
4) requires the integration of the firms manufacturing, distribution & transportation plans
5) structure of a supply chain refers to the number of suppliers or customers represented within each tier of the supply chain
6)Managers understand that their supply chains are influenced by decisions made in other supply chains. A supplier to the focal company is also a suppler to the chief competitor. This is an example of a .................proces link
7)It is the responsibility of the ..................function to develop strategic plans with suppliers to support the manufacturing flow management process and the development of new products
8)Setting customer service standards is an example of .................planning
9)Physical distribution costs is the highest of any consumer product category
10) This channel strategy shifts the responsibility of the creation of the final product form to supply members closest to the final customer
11) production is created through interchangeable parts, modularisation, and labeling the same materials under different brand names
12) Shopping products require..................distribution
13) High Fashion clothes, automobiles, home furnishings and medical care require ...............................distribution
14) The distribution strategy for a product during this phase of its life cycle is a cautious one-testing the market, with stocking restricted to a few locations
15) For the products with a low weight to bulk ratio
16) The distribution costs of convenience products are typically .................and customer service level are.............