Created by nikeishabk
about 11 years ago
Describe an experiment to determine the
acceleration of free fall g using a falling body.
Describe the motion of bodies falling in a
uniform gravitational field with drag.
Describe a simple experiment to determine the centre of gravity of an object.
Describe the factors that affect thinking
distance and braking distance.
Describe and explain how air bags, seat belts and crumple zones in cars reduce impact forces in accident.
Describe how air bags work, including the
triggering mechanism.
Describe how the trilateration technique is
used in GPS.
Describe the behaviour of springs and wires in terms of force, extension, elastic limit, Hooke’s law and the force constant (ie force per unit extension or compression).
Describe an experiment to determine the
Young modulus of a metal in the form of a
Describe the shapes of the stress against
strain graphs for typical materials.