Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

English Literature (Of Mice and Men) Quiz on Of Mice and Men - Slim, created by lmg719 on 04/28/2013.

Created by lmg719 over 11 years ago

Of Mice and Men - Slim

Question 1 of 7


Who is Slim?

Select one of the following:

  • Slim is a 'Jerkline Skinner', in control of a team of horses, and is seen as the leading worker in the bunk house

  • Slim is an ambitious worker on the ranch, he has a problem with gambling but makes up for it with the effort he puts into his work on the ranch

  • Slim is the bosses right hand man, capable of making descisions for the boss, telling him what to do and what not to do.


Question 2 of 7


What is Slim Quoted as being?

Select one of the following:

  • 'A Proud, Aloof man... His eyes... Seemed to glitter with intensity... He had thin, pain tightened lips.'

  • A 'Tall, Stoop shouldered old man'

  • He 'Aint a nice fella'

  • He is 'Godlike' and 'moved with majesty'


Question 3 of 7


Where did Slim first meet George and Lennie

Select one of the following:

  • In the Bunkhouse

  • Out in the field

  • At old susy's

  • In the Bosses Office


Question 4 of 7


Slims Hands were described as being,

Select one of the following:

  • 'His bear like hands were capable of crushing a human skull, yet were precise and delecate'

  • 'Small, Crippled hands, incapable of performing simple tasks like holding a broom'

  • There was nothing Significant at all about his hands

  • 'Large and lean, were delecate in their action as thoes of a temple dancer'


Question 5 of 7


which of the following is true?

Select one of the following:

  • He orders Lennie to fight back against Curley

  • Slim gave a Puppy to Lennie

  • He creates tension in the bunkhouse


Question 6 of 7


Which of the following is true?

Select one of the following:

  • He is picked on by Curley, the bosses son

  • He had a lifetime abition to be a movie star

  • Slim agrees that Candys dog must be killed


Question 7 of 7


Which of the following is not true?

Select one of the following:

  • Slim makes Curley promise not to blame Lennie for hurting his hand

  • He discovers the dead body of Curleys wife in the barn

  • Slim is the one that checks to see if Curley's wife is dead

  • Slim comforts George for having killed Lennie
