New on ExamTime : Improved Dashboard and Navigation

To accommodate the fantastic new addition of groups (read more here), we’ve had to make some changes to the Dashboard and how you navigate your resources on the site. The changes we’ve made make it easier to make sure your content is sorted correctly and can be quickly accessed.

ExamTime Dashboard

When you log in to ExamTime, the first thing you’ll notice is that there are now Subject tiles and Group tiles on your Dashboard. Click on the tile you want and you’ll be taken there. You can create a Group the same way you created a Subject before—by click on the big ‘+ create’ button (see the image below). Click on the tile you want and you’ll be taken there. It’s as simple as that!

ExamTime Dashboard

On the left hand side of the Dashboard you will see your Friend and Group activity. This will keep you informed of what everyone in your study network is doing and allow you to quickly access any updates or resources they’ve shared.


If you haven’t assigned a study resource to a subject already, you may see a slightly messy but don’t worry! We put these here to encourage you to properly file your resources which will greatly improve your study. To move these resources, simply click on the box in the corner and assign it to whichever subject and/or topic you want.

ExamTime Dashboard

Once you’re in your Subject you will notice that your resources are no longer shown as data-table but as tiles divided by your Topics. You can switch between two views here if you wish. The tile view or the list view, both views are easier and more dynamic for organising your content than before.

Tile View:

ExamTime Dashboard

List view:

ExamTime Dashboard

Hopefully, you will be able to adapt to this new way of studying pretty quickly but if you’re having any problems or don’t know how to do something that was there before, contact us on Facebook or Twitter and we will be more than happy to help!


Achieve Exam Success with ExamTime!

We are adding more and more ExamTime features to help improve the way you learn and achieve exam success. Keep up with our blog to get the best study tips to survive exam season by boosting your performance on exam day.

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Our blog is part of GoConqr, a Free Learning Platform for Creating, Sharing & Discovering Learning Resources that help students and teachers achieve their learning objectives. Click here to start creating Mind Maps, Flashcards, Notes, Quizzes, Slides Flowcharts & Courses now!

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