How do I get started with SmartEmbeds?

SmartEmbeds allow a GoConqr user to embed a quiz or course on their own website and add a form to enable data capture and performance tracking. You must have a Teacher plan to use SmartEmbeds. Access SmartEmbeds on the left-hand side menu of the home page.

In order to create a SmartEmbed, you will need to have some content to share: a quiz or a course. These are easy to create using GoConqr’s tools.

When you have created content, you can add a form – by selecting ‘insert data capture form’ in a quiz, or selecting the ‘data capture form’ template in a course. Learn more about data capture forms here.

Access the SmartEmbed management area and select ‘Create Link’ for a Course, or for a Resource. Select a piece of content with a data capture form. You will then be prompted to name the Embed link name (e.g. Contact page embed). We will generate a code that you can use – a url you can link to and an i-frame you can use to insert on your blog or webpage.

The content link will be immediately active - that is open to receive submissions once you share it. Your SmartEmbed management area shows all active items, all your SmartEmbed codes, dates activated and the number of submissions received. You can also access reports on submissions by clicking the piechart next to an embed link. There are two sets of information you are interested in – the results from users who have taken your course or quiz, and the data in the forms they have submitted. You can export this data separately or as one spreadsheet.