Al Huda Canada
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

حي على الصلاة | Let's Revive Our Salaah An in-depth study on the topic of Salaah Taught by Dr Farhat Hashmi To join through Telegram, Tap here

Al Huda Canada
Created by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago
Al Huda Canada
Copied by Al Huda Canada over 6 years ago

حي على الصلاة | Let's Revive Our Salaah | Worship | Quiz 2

Question 1 of 5


Whose Salaah is accepted by Allah?

Select one of the following:

  • The one who prays to get people's praise

  • The one who prays to please Allah

  • The one who skips prayer to help the Humanitarian causes


Question 2 of 5


________ and ________ are from the principles of Worship (Ibaadah)

Select one or more of the following:

  • Ikhlaas | Sincerely for the sake of Allah

  • Proven by Sunnah

  • Ikhlaas | Sincerely for the sake of Rasul Allah ﷺ

  • Proven by Culture


Question 3 of 5


What is the meaning of Ibaadah (Worship)?

Select one of the following:

  • All actions done by Heart, Tongue and Body which are approved by Allah and are on the method of Rasul Allahﷺ

  • All actions done by Heart which are approved by Allah and are on the method of Imaam Shaafi

  • All actions done by our Hands only which are approved by Allah and are on the method of People of Madinah

  • All actions done by Heart, Tongue and Body which appear very nice and seem like good deeds


Question 4 of 5


Which of the following are the examples of the Worship of the heart?

درج ذیل میں سے کون سی مثالیں دل کی عبادت میں شمار ہوں گی؟

Select one or more of the following:

  • خشوع | Concentration

  • امید | Hope

  • تقوی | Allah Consciousness

  • تسبیح | Glorification of Allah

  • حمد | Praise of Allah

  • صدقہ | Sadaqah

  • حج | Hajj


Question 5 of 5


The three types of worshippers (mentioned in audio 2) are:

Select one or more of the following:

  • Saabiqoon | Forerunners - They worship more than Faraidh (Obligations)

  • Muqtasidoon | Moderate Ones - They do only bare minimum

  • Zalimoom | Unjust on Themselves - They reduce in Worship, leave out a pillar or a mustahab act

  • Kafiroon | Disbelievers - They don't worship at all

  • Munafiqeen | Hypocrites - They worship beautifully
