Jose Antonio Vazquez
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Tema 1 Meteo Quiz on 15. Non frontal depressions, created by Jose Antonio Vazquez on 12/01/2018.

Jose Antonio Vazquez
Created by Jose Antonio Vazquez over 6 years ago

15. Non frontal depressions

Question 1 of 5


1- A thermal depression is likely to form:

Select one of the following:

  • Over the Iberian peninsular during the summer.

  • In the lee of the Alps over Northern Italy in winter.

  • In association with a marked trough of low pressure over the USA.

  • On the trailing side edge of a warm sector mid latitude depression.


Question 2 of 5


2- Tropical revolving storms usually:

Select one of the following:

  • Form close to one side of the equator and while moving slowly in a westerly direction, cross over to the other hemisphere.

  • Move in a westerly direction before recurving towards the equator.

  • Move in an easterly direction before recurving towards the farthest pole.

  • Do not form within 5o of the equator.


Question 3 of 5


3- With reference to tropical revolving storms, which of the following statements is correct:

Select one of the following:

  • Typhoons are found in the South China in January.

  • Cyclons, occur in the Bay of Bengal in winter.

  • Hurricanes, in the South Atlantic sometimes affect the east cost of

  • Hurricanes affect the south east of the USA in late summer.


Question 4 of 5


4- Extensive cloud and precipitation is often associated with a non-fontal thermal dpression because of:

Select one of the following:

  • Surface divergence and upper level convergence causing widespread descent of air in the depression.

  • Surface convergence and upper level divergence causing widespread descent of air in the depression.

  • Surface convergence and upper level divergence causing widespread ascent of air in the depression.

  • It is the name given to a line of thunderstorms that lie along the ITCZ but some 200 miles to the south.


Question 5 of 5


5- Tropical Revolving Storms:

Select one of the following:

  • Are always given a male first name beginning with “A” for the first of the season and thereafter named in alphabetical order of occurrence.

  • Have internal wind speeds of 10-20 knots rotating cyclonally round a subsiding clear core known as the eye.

  • Usually have the most severe weather in the quadrant to the right of the track in a Hurricane.

  • Regenerae after crossing the coast from sea to land.
