Francisco Ari
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

All the material after question 50. Excluding a lot of questions about Agile methods and questions with all options as correct and some duplicates.

Francisco Ari
Created by Francisco Ari over 5 years ago

Project Management Concept Test Questions #2

Question 1 of 41


Projects may be initiated by any of the following except____.

Select one of the following:

  • Project team

  • Sponsor

  • PMO

  • CEO


Question 2 of 41


What is required for a project to start and continue running?

Select one of the following:

  • Having a Sponsor

  • Scope approved

  • Action plan approved

  • Budget approved

  • All of the above


Question 3 of 41


What makes the Steering committee approve the (reviewed) budget?

Select one or more of the following:

  • In a non-profit, if the total cost is equal to or less than available funding.

  • In non-profit organization, If the total cost is less than estimated revenues from direct results.

  • In profit organization if the total cost is equal to or less than available funding.

  • In profit organization, If the total cost is less than estimated revenues from direct results.


Question 4 of 41


According to psychological research, what is most important for increasing motivation and productivity in a team?

Select one of the following:

  • Respect

  • Setting clear goals

  • Encouragement and emotional support

  • Support on seeing and making progress


Question 5 of 41


What is, according to teamwork research, an ideal team-size?

Select one of the following:

  • 5-9 people

  • 10-15 people

  • 2-3 people

  • 12-18 people


Question 6 of 41


What is true nowadays about a successful PM during managing and working a project?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Is a classical manager

  • Is a leader

  • Has highest technical skills and expertise.

  • Is always giving and getting feedback

  • Is very skillful in conflict resolution

  • Is always under pressure


Question 7 of 41


What are the most important principles in leadership?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Always has the last saying on any issue

  • Dare to be honest to oneself and the others

  • Never be something that you are not

  • Never empower team members

  • Master the subject in Question

  • Is a giant in the mildest group of Dwarfs


Question 8 of 41


Which of the following describes a Clam Personality?

Select one of the following:

  • A person who is always both seeking and giving feedback

  • A person who is always seeking feedback but rarely giving any feedback

  • A person who is always giving feedback but rarely seeking any feedback

  • A person who is never seeking nor giving feedback


Question 9 of 41


What is the best personality type for a successful PM/PL?

Select one of the following:

  • Open

  • Questioner

  • Opinionator

  • Clam

  • It depends


Question 10 of 41


Which form of feedback is more important?

Select one of the following:

  • Giving Feedback

  • Receiving feedback

  • Both are equally important


Question 11 of 41


A successful leader gives the team members……

Select one or more of the following:

  • Opportunity to grow

  • A feeling of belonging

  • Protection against taking risks and stepping out of their comfort zone

  • The ability to trust despite perhaps not liking the leader

  • A positive attitude and commitment

  • The desire to follow guidance

  • Never show them personality shortfalls/problems


Question 12 of 41


What make PM continue get more projects to manage?

Select one of the following:

  • Success in completing previous projects

  • Ability to handle challenges

  • Ability to lead a team

  • All the above

  • None of the above


Question 13 of 41


Which of the following is most effective in dealing with annoying employee?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Giving him/her more attention

  • Disregarding or ignoring him/her

  • Giving him/her more responsibility

  • Leaving him/her without responsibility

  • Giving him/her more attention and close supervision

  • Giving him or her more freedom

  • Best is to use a combination of more than one of the above

  • Always start with the positive attitude. If it does not work go to the negative, but do not continue so for a long time


Question 14 of 41


Which is the best situational leadership Approach?

Select one of the following:

  • Coaching/selling

  • Participating

  • Delegating

  • Telling

  • All are good. The situation dictates which is best.


Question 15 of 41


Which is the best style of conflict resolution to start with?

Select one of the following:

  • Forcing

  • Avoiding

  • Compromising

  • Collaborating

  • Accommodating

  • Depending on the conflict, situation and conflicting parties, any can be the best starting point


Question 16 of 41


How can we identify the level of experience of the project manager?

Select one of the following:

  • Experienced PM has limited number of tools and techniques that he/she has identified to be most effective by experience.

  • An experienced PM has one leadership style that he/she has identified to be most effective by experience.

  • By the number of projects he/she concluded.

  • By how well he/she balances his/her life.

  • By how well he/she manage to delay conflicts.


Question 17 of 41


What is the PM/PL worst enemy?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Not good at communication (giving and/or receiving feedback)

  • Poor self-image

  • Too much self-confidence

  • Bad life balance

  • Not being trusted/respected by the team

  • Not lovable/popular personality


Question 18 of 41


Which of the following best describes challenges facing successful management and working of a project?

Select one of the following:

  • The project Manager is an outsider (unknown)

  • One or more members of the team have problem working together or have personal grudges.

  • One or more members of the team has personality problems

  • Not good communication and/or feedback within the team and/or with other stakeholders

  • One or more members of the team are burned out and/or cannot be motivated

  • One or more member of the team are forced to work together

  • The working conditions are unsuitable

  • Having one or two of the above is fact of life for project teams. Having 3 or 4 is a true challenge. Having 5 or 6 is a high risk. Having all can be a guaranteed one way ticket to failure.


Question 19 of 41


One of a project manager’s main tasks is establishing sufficient project control through seeing to that:

Select one or more of the following:

  • Work is structured according to scope

  • Progress is evaluated and followed up

  • Risks are assessed

  • Scope is changed when deviations occur


Question 20 of 41


What are the basic types of organizational environments - project management perspective?

Select one of the following:

  • Hierarchical (Functional or Divisional)

  • Matrix (weak, balanced and strong)

  • Projects/program based

  • Composite (New)

  • All the above

  • None of the above


Question 21 of 41


Does the organizational structure/environment have an impact on the way projects´ are executed?

Select one of the following:

  • It is one of the dominating factors

  • It is the only dominating factor

  • It has no effect

  • It depends


Question 22 of 41


Which of the following is major black-hole in traditional project management

Select one of the following:

  • Project-based structure is the best structure for an organization that aims at high success rate in project execution

  • Vast majority (if not all) organizations try to say that they are more project friendly than reality.

  • Traditional Project Management is more systematic than Agile PM frameworks thus they are more suitable for traditional industries.


Question 23 of 41


What is true about Execution Phase?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Its the longest stage about 70% to 90% of the project lifetime.

  • Prevention costs are much less than curative measures.

  • It is possible to modify the scope at any point of time as long as the project is not closed.

  • The modifications are made to respond to changes in the project external environment and work progress.

  • A project is not completed/finished unless the closure/hand over stage is completed.


Question 24 of 41


Which are activities that should be done at the initiation of project execution?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Acquire all resources

  • Staff the project team

  • Communicate with stakeholders

  • Monitor activities

  • Review and modify action plan and budget.

  • Kick-of meeting


Question 25 of 41


Which of the following is vital stage to any project but not part of the project life cycle?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Idea

  • Initiation

  • Planning

  • Execution

  • Closure/handover

  • Impact assessment


Question 26 of 41


Is the establishment of a project for improving of current recreational services in all Sheraton hotels (worldwide) a principle project?

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False


Question 27 of 41


What is(are) true as an important aspects needed to achieve successful enterprise project management?

Select one of the following:

  • The CEO choose which projects to initiate

  • Each project manager in liaison with the financial manager allocates resources for his/her project.

  • Each PM achieve project execution success in his/her own way.

  • There must be a process for communication within each project only.

  • The enterprise process and approaches are updated (as needed) based on changes in the external environment and lessons learned

  • None of the above is true


Question 28 of 41


Please classify the following:
A project for developing version XX of Autocad program.

Select one of the following:

  • Project

  • Principle Project

  • Sub-Project

  • Program

  • Portfolio


Question 29 of 41


Please classify the following:
A project for developing 2018 version of Office Suite (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc).

Select one of the following:

  • Project

  • Principle Project

  • Sub-Project

  • Program

  • Portfolio


Question 30 of 41


Please classify the following:
Projects for developing 2018 version of Word, Excel and Power Point.

Select one of the following:

  • Projects

  • Principle Projects

  • Sub-Projects

  • Program

  • Portfolio


Question 31 of 41


Please classify the following:
Projects aiming at continuous development of education quality in Uppsala University.

Select one of the following:

  • Project

  • Principle Project

  • Sub-Project

  • Program

  • Portfolio


Question 32 of 41


Please classify the following:
Projects aiming at building 1000 new apartments in five different sites in Uppsala.

Select one of the following:

  • Project

  • Principle Project

  • Sub-Project

  • Program

  • Portfolio


Question 33 of 41


Please classify the following:
A project can be listed under two programs and/or principle projects in the same time.

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False

  • Difficult to say because not enough data


Question 34 of 41


In the project management career ladder the posts’ titles are unified worldwide.

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False

  • Difficult to say because not enough data


Question 35 of 41


What initiates change?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Change can be initiated from within the organization

  • Change can be initiated from outside the organization

  • Need to review and improve processes, strategies and/or methods

  • Focus on creating a sustainable approach, where principles and methods produce results over time.

  • To increase revenues/profits or decrease costs

  • To become more effective or more efficient


Question 36 of 41


Which of the following is(are) true about projects and change?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Change and Projects are not related.

  • Projects are effective change through disciplined approach to identify the scope, tasks, activities and deliverables to achieve new state.

  • Change is achieved through undisciplined approach to empower people to change behavior and process to success in the new state.

  • Project Management and Change Management are nonrelated.

  • Project Management is defining, planning and implementing a change.

  • Change Management is managing the hard side of change.


Question 37 of 41


What of the following is(are) true about Change management leader?

Select one of the following:

  • Has to be the CEO or one of the Senior manager of the company.

  • Change management leader is preferably one of the junior employees of the organization.

  • He/she role is not related to projects or program management.

  • Organization support has no impact on his/her success in achieving change.

  • None of the above is true.


Question 38 of 41


Which of the following issues is(are) important for Change Leader?

Select one of the following:

  • Do all the work yourself.

  • Hurry or force change, do not wait for employees support.

  • Make sure on becoming a friend with everyone.

  • Come up with all solutions yourself.

  • None of the above is true.


Question 39 of 41


Which of the following affects the success of change projects/initiatives?

Select one of the following:

  • Duration, long duration usually results in failure.

  • Integrity, project team is cohesive and well led.

  • Commitment, project team are committed to the change project activities only.

  • Effort, the project team must exhaust double the effort during change project execution.


Question 40 of 41


Who is responsible for the organization competence development?

Select one of the following:

  • Board / Owner / Stock holders

  • Top management

  • Project Managers

  • Employees / Staff

  • External service provider (consultants, training centers, etc)


Question 41 of 41


What is Collective memory?

Select one of the following:

  • It is collective experiences and knowledge that is conveyed from one generation to the next

  • It is the relationship between mentor and mentee.

  • It is the relationship between master and apprentice

  • It is the information passed through formal networking

  • It is also called Wisdom of age
