Catherine Ross
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

History Quiz on HIST 7A - Chapter 2 - Transplantation and Borderlands, created by Catherine Ross on 16/01/2019.

Catherine Ross
Created by Catherine Ross over 5 years ago

HIST 7A - Chapter 2 - Transplantation and Borderlands

Question 1 of 50


Captain John Smith helped Jamestown to survive when he

Select one of the following:

  • imposed work and order on the colony

  • divided the colony's profits among the stockholders

  • entered into a relationship with Pocahontas

  • divided the duties and privileges of leadership among several members of a council

  • ended raids perpetrated on Indian villages to steal food and kidnap natives


Question 2 of 50


The Englishman who first cultivated tobacco in Virginia was

Select one of the following:

  • Lord De La Warr

  • Nathaniel Bacon

  • John Rolfe

  • John Smith

  • Walter Raleigh


Question 3 of 50


In 1619, another crucial element was introduced into the Virginia social order:

Select one of the following:

  • Catholics

  • Women

  • Africans

  • Puritans

  • Baptists


Question 4 of 50


Which of the following colonies allowed freedom of religion to all Christians?

Select one of the following:

  • Plymouth

  • Virginia

  • Rhode Island

  • Maryland

  • Massachusetts


Question 5 of 50


Regarding the Indians, Puritan settlers were LEAST likely to advocate a policy of

Select one of the following:

  • commerce and trade

  • forbidding intermarriage

  • tolerance and mutual respect

  • treating Indians as heathen savages

  • conversion to Christianity


Question 6 of 50


Why did Nathaniel Bacon lead a rebellion against Sir William Berkeley in Virginia in 1675?

Select one of the following:

  • he believed the eastern landowners were underrepresented in the House of Burgesses

  • he believed Berkeley would abolish the House of Burgesses

  • he hoped to defeat Berkeley and rule the colony himself

  • he resented Berkeley's growing power and control of trade


Question 7 of 50


What did Bacon's Rebellion reveal about the growth of the Virginia colony?

Select one of the following:

  • that immigration and oversupply of African slaves could destabilize colonial society

  • that landless free men were not a threat to social and political order

  • that Indians no longer exerted influence on colonial affairs

  • serious social and geographical tensions between colonists that threatened the colony's stability


Question 8 of 50


Roger Williams founded a new colony in the north in 1644 when he split from the Puritans.

Select one of the following:

  • Maine

  • Maryland

  • New Hampshire

  • Rhode Island


Question 9 of 50


How did the majority of Africans respond to their enslavement and treatment by whites?

Select one of the following:

  • by meekly accepting their fate and refusing to resist

  • by developing patterns of resistance and establishing elaborate cultures of their own

  • by seeking ways to escape from slavery by fleeing to the north

  • disassociating themselves from all family and communal relationships


Question 10 of 50


Who led a rebellion against the colonial government of New York after James II was overthrown in England?

Select one of the following:

  • John Coode

  • Jacob Leisler

  • Captain Francis Nicholson

  • Edmund Andros


Question 11 of 50


What was the most significant outcome of the Glorious Revolution in the American colonies?

Select one of the following:

  • led to series of violent revolts that weakened the crown's authority in the colonies

  • it led to increased religious toleration in the colonies

  • England's plan of centrally controlled colonies was overturned

  • it increased the potential authority of the English King in the colonies


Question 12 of 50


Seventeenth-century English colonial settlements

Select one of the following:

  • maintained the political and social institutions of England

  • were essentially business enterprises

  • were well-planned and generally quite successful from the start

  • were always tightly controlled by the English government


Question 13 of 50


The "starving time" in Jamestown during the winter of 1609-1610 was partly the result of

Select one of the following:

  • sinking of the colonists supply ship in the Atlantic

  • an influx of rats from settler's ships ate much of their stored grain

  • a drought led to crop failures

  • colonists being kept barricaded in their fenced palisade by local Indians

  • the extermination of the Indians who used to grow crops


Question 14 of 50


The cultivation of tobacco around Jamestown resulted in all of the following EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • the rapid wearing out of the soil

  • rising prosperity of the colony

  • improved relations with the local Indians

  • the expansion of European settlement farther into the interior of the continent

  • the search for new sources of labor


Question 15 of 50


The Virginia Company developed the "headright system" to

Select one of the following:

  • cause conflict among neighboring Indian tribes

  • require families to migrate together

  • raise revenue from the sale of land

  • attract new settlers to the colony

  • discourage poor people from moving to the colony


Question 16 of 50


The Powhatan Indian woman named Pocahontas

Select one of the following:

  • married English colonial leader John Smith

  • was ransomed by her father after she was kidnapped

  • created an interest in "civilizing" Indians when she was taken to England

  • was kidnapped by John Rolfe


Question 17 of 50


In which area of technology were the Indians more advanced than the Virginia colonists?

Select one of the following:

  • agriculture

  • making metal tools

  • weaponry

  • raising animals for food

  • building ships


Question 18 of 50


In its beginning, the Maryland colony

Select one of the following:

  • had conflict with nearby French settlers

  • was led by Captain John Smith

  • experienced tremendous warfare with local Indians

  • was a refuge for English Catholics

  • allowed no Puritan settlers


Question 19 of 50


During its first year in North America, the Plymouth colony

Select one of the following:

  • grew rich from the surrounding productive farmland

  • carried out warfare that wiped out most of the local Indians

  • survived mostly due to assistance from local Indians

  • establish critically important trade routes with Jamestown in the south

  • saw two-thirds of its population die


Question 20 of 50


The Massachusetts Bay Puritans

Select one of the following:

  • took vows of poverty as evidence of commitment to their faith

  • created a Colonial Theocracy

  • fought with the surrounding Indians almost immediately

  • lived a grim and joyless existence

  • introduced freedom of worship in the New World


Question 21 of 50


In 1638, Anne Hutchinson was deported from the Massachusetts Bay colony because she

Select one of the following:

  • was accused of practicing witchcraft

  • challenged the norms of female behavior in their society

  • preached against Catholics and Jews coming to the New World

  • was a single mother who refused to marry


Question 22 of 50


In King Philip's War, both colonists and Indians made use of a relatively new and deadly weapon, the ____________.

Select one of the following:

  • matchlock musket

  • repeating revolver

  • artillery cannon

  • Gatling gun

  • flintlock rifle


Question 23 of 50


The New York colony

Select one of the following:

  • saw its population grow very slowly for the first 50 years

  • banned slavery from its inception

  • made a commitment to representative assemblies

  • was founded by colonists from the Carolina colony

  • emerged as an English colony after a struggle between the English and the Dutch


Question 24 of 50


In the seventeenth century, English Quakers

Select one of the following:

  • had no paid clergy

  • were pacifists

  • All these answers are correct

  • believed all could attain salvation

  • had a disregard for class and gender distinctions


Question 25 of 50


Georgia was founded

Select one of the following:

  • as a haven for religious dissenters

  • to quickly make money for its investors

  • to create a military barrier against the Spanish

  • to provide a refuge for Catholics

  • by Quaker missionaries


Question 26 of 50


In colonial North America, the "middle grounds" refers to a region in which

Select one of the following:

  • French colonists manager to hold the balance of power

  • Spanish colonists were long the dominant power

  • no one group, wither Indian or European, held clear dominance

  • English colonists quickly became the dominant power

  • Indian tribes were able to keep out European colonists


Question 27 of 50


The Navigation Acts primarily benefitted

Select one of the following:

  • businesses and planters in the British Caribbean

  • British businesses and merchants

  • New England merchants

  • Virginia planters

  • colonial American tobacco merchants


Question 28 of 50


Leisler's Rebellion took place in

Select one of the following:

  • New Jersey

  • Connecticut

  • Rhode Island

  • Massachusetts

  • New York


Question 29 of 50


The tobacco culture of Virginia created great pressure for territorial expansion.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 30 of 50


The survival of Jamestown was largely the result of the English colonists borrowing from the agricultural knowledge of the Indians.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 31 of 50


Unlike the colonists of Jamestown, the Puritans of Massachusetts established settlements based on families.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 32 of 50


The Pequot War and King Philip's War ended disastrously for the Indians.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 33 of 50


The site chosen for Jamestown was

Select one of the following:

  • It was far inland and not accessible by ship

  • It was low and swampy and subject to outbreaks of malaria

  • It was near what is now New York City.

  • It was high on a mountaintop

  • It was near the colonies of the Puritans and the Pilgrims.


Question 34 of 50


The cultivation of tobacco around Jamestown resulted in all of the following EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • rising prosperity of the colony

  • the expansion of European settlement into the interior

  • improved relations with the Indians

  • the rapid wearing out of the soil

  • the search for new sources of labor


Question 35 of 50


Which of the following is true of Bacon's Rebellion?

Select one of the following:

  • it spelled the demise of the Virginia Company

  • It was a consequence of the indentured servant system

  • it forced the royal governor of Virginia to resign

  • it carried on for several years

  • it spread throughout several colonies


Question 36 of 50


The difficulty of supressing Bacon's Rebellion helped cause an increase in

Select one of the following:

  • calls for independence from England

  • European investment

  • tobacco production

  • slavery in Virginia

  • the triangular trade


Question 37 of 50


What social institution did Europeans in the Caribbean share with their counterparts in North America?

Select one of the following:

  • Quakerism

  • religious tolerance

  • town hall meetings

  • House of Burgesses

  • slavery


Question 38 of 50


Which of the following statements regarding the Navigation Acts (1660s) is FALSE?

Select one of the following:

  • English colonists could only produce products that were already being produced and sold in England

  • all Eurioean goods sent to the colonies had to pass through England and were subject to taxes

  • certain colonial products could only be exported to England

  • English colonies were closed to all trade except that carried by English ships

  • Duties (taxes) were imposed on trade among the English colonies in North America


Question 39 of 50


The Caribbean settlements of England were sources of slaves for the English colonies in North America.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 40 of 50


Quaker is a term for the English Protestant sect, the Society of Friends.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 41 of 50


The term "middle passage" refers to the movement of enslaved Africans

Select one of the following:

  • from the Caribbean to the mainland colonies

  • across the Atlantic, from Africa to New World

  • from Africa to Europe

  • from the coastal regions of colonies to the interior

  • between individual American colonies


Question 42 of 50


In English North American colonies, the application of slave codes (laws) were based on race and ________.

Select one of the following:

  • origin of birth

  • economic status

  • nothing else

  • laboring skills

  • religion


Question 43 of 50


In the seventeenth century, most colonial American families had few tools, many owning an axe but no plow.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 44 of 50


Which European country had the strongest and wealthiest early empire, focusing on mining and agriculture, with European men marrying Native American women.

Select one of the following:

  • France

  • England

  • Spain

  • Portugal

  • Dutch (Netherlands)


Question 45 of 50


Which European country had the smallest and weakest early colonial empire, but grew because they brought women and children for permanent settlement.

Select one of the following:

  • Dutch (Netherlands)

  • England

  • Spain

  • France

  • Portugal


Question 46 of 50


Which European country established a fur trading empire in the Mississippi Valley and lived in relative harmony with the Indians?

Select one of the following:

  • England

  • France

  • Dutch (Netherlands)

  • Spain

  • Portugal


Question 47 of 50


Which European country were early slave traders, with a settlement in what is now New York City?

Select one of the following:

  • Spain

  • England

  • Dutch (Netherlands)

  • Portugal

  • France


Question 48 of 50


Which European country explored Africa, engaged in an extensive slave trade, and founded Brazil in South America.

Select one of the following:

  • Portugal

  • Spain

  • Dutch (Netherlands)

  • England

  • France


Question 49 of 50


White people in the North American colonies had a better chance at upward social mobility than did white people in England.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 50 of 50


Slaves who worked in the sugarcane fields actually had it the easiest of all the African slaves in North America,

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False
