Drew Bott
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

iGCSE History Quiz on The Ruhr Crisis, created by Drew Bott on 26/10/2019.

Drew Bott
Created by Drew Bott almost 5 years ago

The Ruhr Crisis

Question 1 of 10


What 'prompted' the Ruhr crisis?

Select one of the following:

  • The signing of the Treaty of Versailles

  • Germany defaulting on reparation payments

  • The announcement of the reparations figure in 1921


Question 2 of 10


What was the French and Belgian response to Germany defaulting on reparations?

Select one of the following:

  • The took it to the League of Nations

  • They gave Germany a stern warning

  • They carried out a military occupation of the Ruhr


Question 3 of 10


Why the Ruhr?

Select one of the following:

  • It was Germany's region of culture

  • It was valuable agricultural land

  • It was the heartland of Germany's coal and steel industry


Question 4 of 10


In 1921 the Germans made a reparations payment of 50 million

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 5 of 10


What did Ebert's Government ask the Ruhr workers to do?

Select one of the following:

  • To take up arms to resist the occupation

  • To co-operate with the invaders

  • To resist 'passively' i.e strike


Question 6 of 10


Which of the following are 'true' of the French and Belgian actions in the Ruhr?

Select one or more of the following:

  • They treated the German population with respect

  • They brought in their own workers

  • They had resistance leaders arrested

  • They shot 132 German workers

  • They expelled 150,000 Germans from the region


Question 7 of 10


How did the Weimar Government support the striking German workers?

Select one of the following:

  • It continued to pay their wages

  • It provided them with food supplies

  • It provided them with weapons to defend themselves


Question 8 of 10


What was the main consequence of paying the striking workers for the German economy?

Select one of the following:

  • It meant the workers could feed themselves

  • It led to hyper-inflation

  • The USA stepped in to provide loans to support the German economy


Question 9 of 10


Describe the effects of hyper-inflation - select all that apply

Select one or more of the following:

  • Paper money became diluted and worthless

  • Those with savings saw them increase in value

  • Prices spiralled out of control

  • A loaf of bread went from 250 marks in January 1923 to 200,000 marks in November

  • Farmers 'coped' as there products remained in demand

  • People who had borrowed money could repay their debts


Question 10 of 10


What were the 'political' consequences of the hyper-inflation?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Communists took control of Saxony and the Rhineland

  • The Freikorps attempted a Putsch in Berlin

  • The Nazis attempted a Putsch in Munich

  • The Army attempted a military coup
