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Quiz on Practice Quiz, created by samhenley22 on 10/09/2013.

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Created by samhenley22 about 11 years ago

Practice Quiz

Question 1 of 25


In a suit against Corbin, Donatella obtains damages. This is

Select one of the following:

  • a payment of money or property as compensation.

  • a legal agreement


Question 2 of 25


In an action against Elin, Frank obtains a remedy. This is

Select one of the following:

  • a song

  • the legal means to recover a right or to redress a wrong.


Question 3 of 25


In a suit against Vladimir over the performance of a contract, Wyler obtains rescission. This is

Select one of the following:

  • a loss in a job

  • the cancellation of a contract.


Question 4 of 25


Maggie and Nate enter into a contract for the sale of car, but Nate later refuses to deliver the goods. Maggie asks a court to order Nate to perform as promised. Ordering a party to perform what was promised is

Select one of the following:

  • an equitable remedy

  • a contract remedy


Question 5 of 25


Drummond wants to make a federal case out of his dispute with Elena. Federal cases originate in

Select one of the following:

  • federal district courts.

  • state courts


Question 6 of 25


Beyond-the-Sea Imports, Inc., disputes the use of "" as a domain name by Beyond-the-Sea Overseas Exports, Ltd., and files a suit to resolve the dispute. Service of process must be

Select one of the following:

  • according to the rules of the court in which the suit is brought.

  • according to the united nations contract


Question 7 of 25


Vince files a suit against Will. Vince and Will meet, and each party's attorney argues the party's case before a judge and jury. The jury presents an advisory verdict, after which the judge meets with the parties to encourage them to settle their dispute. This is

Select one of the following:

  • a settlement

  • a summary jury trial


Question 8 of 25


Rocko Corporation, a U.S. firm, and Siena, S.A., a Columbian firm, enter into a contract providing that any dispute between them will be heard in a specific British court. Litigation between Rocko and Siena over a dispute involving this contract may occur in

Select one of the following:

  • the specified British court only

  • The U.S. Jurisdiction


Question 9 of 25


Faraway Sales Corporation, a U.S. firm, and Globe Transport, a Dutch firm, enter into a contract that includes an arbitration clause. This clause must provide that the arbitrator will be

Select one of the following:

  • any third party

  • only glabe transport


Question 10 of 25


Flexo Trucking Company transports hazardous waste. Garn is a Flexo driver, whom the company knows drives longer hours than federal regulations permit. One night, Garn exceeds the limit and has an accident. Spilled chemicals contaminate Hill City's water source, forcing the residents to move away. Flexo acted unethically because

Select one of the following:

  • Flexo showed reckless disregard for Hill City's residents and others.

  • They limited a vital need


Question 11 of 25


Ergonomic Corporation convenes its employees for its managers to announce (1) a new company-wide ethical code of conduct, (2) an ad campaign to publicize the new code, and (3) the discharge of employees who do not adhere to the code. One of the most effective ways to set a tone of ethical behavior within a business organization is

Select one of the following:

  • to create an ethical code of conduct.

  • an ad campaign to publicize the new code,


Question 12 of 25


Ethical standards would most likely be considered violated if Retail Mart Corporation deals with a company in a developing nation that

Select one of the following:

  • pays below minimum wage

  • exploits its workers.


Question 13 of 25


Phil agrees to work for Vacation Resorts, Inc., as a chef. In determining whether a contract has been formed, an element of prime importance is

Select one of the following:

  • the parties' intent

  • the contract


Question 14 of 25


When Jeff's car breaks down, he asks Kwik Tow, Inc., to tow it from its location to Lou's Repair Shop. There is no discussion of a price, and Jeff and Kwik do not sign any documents. After the tow, Kwik sends Jeff a bill. With respect to Jeff's obligation to pay the bill, this is

Select one of the following:

  • an implied contract.

  • a written contact


Question 15 of 25


Deepwater Mining Corporation offers to sell East China Refining, Inc., a certain quantity of unrefined oil. If East China sends an acceptance via Deepwater's authorized mode of communication, it will be effective when it is

Select one of the following:

  • sent.

  • recieved


Question 16 of 25


Grande Properties, Inc., and Investment Capital Corporation enter into a contract for a sale of land. To be enforceable, the contract must be in writing if the land is valued at

Select one of the following:

  • any price

  • over $5,000


Question 17 of 25


Fact Pattern 10-1A
Mutual Company enters into a contract to employ Neil as an investment manager for two years. During the first year, Neil is often absent without explanation and when present fails to adequately monitor and manage Mutual's investments.

Refer to Fact Pattern 10-1A. Neil's performance is most likely

Select one of the following:

  • a material breach.

  • a contract breach


Question 18 of 25


Fact Pattern 10-1A
Mutual Company enters into a contract to employ Neil as an investment manager for two years. During the first year, Neil is often absent without explanation and when present fails to adequately monitor and manage Mutual's investments.

Refer to Fact Pattern 10-1A. With respect to Mutual's duties, Neil's performance most likely

Select one of the following:

  • onesided

  • discharges Mutual from the contract.


Question 19 of 25


Dondi contracts to buy a custom espresso maker from Caffee Specialties, Inc., for $4,500, but Caffee fails to deliver. Dondi buys the appliance elsewhere for $5,500. Dondi's measure of damages is

Select one of the following:

  • $1,000 plus incidental damages.

  • $5,5000 plus incidental damages.


Question 20 of 25


Ray breaches his lease with Sunny Properties and vacates the premises six months before the end of the term. In some states, Sunny would have to

Select one of the following:

  • make reasonable efforts to relet the premises to mitigate damages.

  • be taken to family court


Question 21 of 25


Ethanol Products, Inc., and Fuel Oil Corporation submit a dispute to arbitration. Garth, the arbitrator, is not a judge or a lawyer. How, then, can Garth's decision have the force of law and be binding on the parties involved?

Select one of the following:

  • An arbitrator's decision has the binding force of law only because the two parties in an arbitration proceeding agree (contract) to be legally bound by the arbitrator's decision. The success of arbitration, and its status as an alternative to court settlement of disputes, rests on this underlying agreement between the parties to be bound by the results. If a person feels that an arbitrator's opinion is unjust, that person may appeal the dispute to a court. Courts, however, are very reluctant to judge the validity of an arbitrator's decision, which is regarded as final in all cases except where serious misconduct or corruption can be proved.

  • correct


Question 22 of 25


National Drilling Company ships its only pump to American Hydraulics Corporation, the manufacturer, for repair. National hires Overland Transport, Inc., to take the pump to American Hydraulics and to return it to National as soon as the repair is complete. National is forced to suspend operations without a pump, but Overland does not know this. National expects to be without the pump for five days and to lose profits of $5,000. When the pump is not returned by the end of the fifth day, National rents a pump at a cost of $100 per day. Overland delays five more days before returning the pump. National files a suit against Overland, asking for compensatory, consequential, and punitive damages. Will National recover?

Select one of the following:

  • Yes and no. National will succeed in recovering damages, but not all of the damages that it seeks. Overland's failure to perform promptly is a breach of contract for which National can recover damages. Because of Overland's late delivery of the pump, National is entitled to recover the cost of renting the pump for the five days that Overland delayed. Expenses that are caused directly by a breach of contract¾such as the cost to rent the replacement pump after Overland breached the contract¾are recoverable as compensatory damages. These expenses were foreseeable. Consequential damages¾damages caused by special circumstances beyond the contract¾are recoverable only if the breaching party knew or should have known at the time of contracting of their possibility. In this problem, National's shutdown of its operations is a special circumstance, but Overland did not know of these circumstances so National's consequent loss of profits is not recoverable. Also, National cannot recover punitive damages, which are not usually recoverable in breach of contract suits. Punitive damages are intended to punish wrongdoing. The purpose of damages in a breach of contract suit is to place the nonbreaching party in the position he or she would have occupied if the contract had been performed, not to punish the breaching party.

  • correct


Question 23 of 25


Please define five (5) of the following terms- please describe in complete sentences. ::

Select one of the following:

  • 1. Default judgment
    2.Interrogatories examination
    4. cross examination
    5.Ripeness doctrine
    6. The full faith and credit clause
    7. Patent
    8 Trademark

  • sentences...


Question 24 of 25


How does statutory law come into existence? How does it differ from common law?

Select one of the following:

  • Statutes are enacted by governing bodies and common law is law created by the judicial system.

  • correct


Question 25 of 25


A State legislatur enacted a statute then required any motorcycle operator or passengers on the state's highways to wear a protective helmet. Jim Alderman, a licensed motorcycle operator , sued the state to block enforcement of the law. alderman asserted that the statute violated the equal protection clause because it placed requirements on motorcyclists that were not imposed on other motorist . Using the information presented in chapter 5 which you read answer the following:

Select one of the following:

  • answer?

  • ??
