Dillon E
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

NCE Quiz on Career Development, created by Dillon E on 17/02/2020.

Dillon E
Created by Dillon E over 4 years ago

Career Development

Question 1 of 30


Career-Infused Career Counselling (CICC) emphasizes social, economic, and political forces that shape career development. CICC is a theory:

Select one of the following:

  • based on a work culture of a constant work role

  • on a principle that work is a lifetime one career

  • of social justice and advocacy

  • reinforcing work and a constant work role


Question 2 of 30


The concept of career maturity is of primary importance to the theory of:

Select one of the following:

  • decision-making.

  • structural-interactive.

  • career development assessment and counseling.

  • trait-factor.


Question 3 of 30


What instrument would Structural Interactive Theory employ to assess for congruence in a person- environment fit?

Select one of the following:

  • Kuder Preference Inventory

  • Holland Occupational Code

  • Strong Interest Inventory

  • Beck Anxiety Inventory.


Question 4 of 30


Persons of diversity often encounter hindering (negative) factors in the work environment. A result of these hindering factors has been:

Select one of the following:

  • gender grouping.

  • racial grouping.

  • isolation and cultural assumptions.

  • job changes.


Question 5 of 30


All of the following guide the counselor in developing competencies in meeting social justice except:

Select one of the following:

  • awareness of the counselor’s cultural identity.

  • establishing a fair practice handout.

  • awareness of the client’s cultural identity.

  • establishing a cultural effective alliance with the client.


Question 6 of 30


Research reports indicated that the most helpful influences in securing, maintaining and achieving satisfaction in the work environment are all of the following except:

Select one of the following:

  • support from family and friends

  • personal attitudes

  • internal framework and boundaries

  • supervisor is of the same gender


Question 7 of 30


Barriers for the unemployed worker in a job search include all of the following except:

Select one of the following:

  • self-confidence.

  • negative career thinking.

  • lack of decision-making skills.

  • transportation.


Question 8 of 30


State labor departments use which world of work classification system?

Select one of the following:

  • Holland Occupational Classification

  • Standard Occupational Classification

  • Dictionary of Occupational Titles

  • Standard Industrial Classification


Question 9 of 30


The National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (NOICC) was formed in 1976 to provide:

Select one of the following:

  • state career information systems.

  • up-to-date job listings in each state.

  • assistance for displaced workers.

  • store user information.


Question 10 of 30


Considered to be the largest job growth projection for the years 2012-2024 is:

Select one of the following:

  • health related occupations.

  • computer related occupations.

  • production occupations.

  • energy occupations.


Question 11 of 30


The American Counseling Association conducted a survey to assess the well-being of professional counselors. The results reflected an overwhelming number of counselors who experienced stress at work and impairment that was symptomatic of:

Select one of the following:

  • exhaustion, incompetence, devaluing clients, and deterioration in their personal life.

  • role conflicts.

  • an economy that did not integrate cultural values.

  • a stagnate economy and reduced worker compensation.


Question 12 of 30


Worker dissatisfaction in adjustment and a sense of well-being on the job are found to be hindered by all of the following factors except:

Select one of the following:

  • compensation.

  • management style.

  • work environment.

  • personal life issues.


Question 13 of 30


The Armed Services train military personnel for a war environment. Veterans experience which of the following when attempting to re-integrate into the U.S. employment setting:

Select one of the following:

  • military training is an advantage for employment settings

  • a set of rules and language that is a different work value system

  • communication issues with the civilian worker

  • inability to acquire their past employment before commitment service.


Question 14 of 30


One of the several steps in designing and implementing a career development program is to write measurable objectives. Writing measurable objectives is important because:

Select one of the following:

  • the objectives set up the target population for services.

  • these are the means for the creation of a budget.

  • they are purposeful in hiring the correct counselor for the correct position.

  • the objectives determine the content and evaluation of the services.


Question 15 of 30


A technique that will assist a career counselor in understanding the relationship between family background, cultural prescriptions and career and life planning is the:

Select one of the following:

  • Psychodrama.

  • Genogram.

  • Johari Window.

  • Karpman Triangle.


Question 16 of 30


Career assistance in the early history of the field of counseling and guidance was focused on job placement. At the present time, in a global economy, placement and planning the focus for diverse clients is:

Select one of the following:

  • a singular placement.

  • a match with commerce, industry, and professions based on college training.

  • based on a developmental perspective.

  • based on economic need.


Question 17 of 30


In preparing for a job search Leuty and Hansen’s (2011) Cross-Battery includes two instruments to conduct a comprehensive assessment that includes scales for the environment, competence, status, autonomy, organizational culture, and relationships. This assessment is measuring:

Select one of the following:

  • work values

  • career thoughts

  • work personality traits

  • worker engagement


Question 18 of 30


Which of the following will assist the counselor in assessing for positive emotion, good health, ability to mobilize resources, and cross over engagement skills for life planning and management?

Select one of the following:

  • Beck Anxiety Inventory

  • Oldenburg Burnout Inventory

  • Computer Educational and Career Exploration System (ECES)

  • O*Net


Question 19 of 30


Computer resources for career planning and decision-making use a cross-walking tool to:

Select one of the following:

  • move from one database to another database.

  • move from one workstation to another workstation.

  • switch career lines with a comparable skill set.

  • provide interpretations without counselor involvement.


Question 20 of 30


Cyber counselors and cyber clients are confronted with issues not as likely or apparent as in face-to-face counseling. One of these issues has to do with:

Select one of the following:

  • training.

  • a secure environment.

  • payment.

  • homework.


Question 21 of 30


An ethical dilemma might likely occur when counselors use the Internet to:

Select one of the following:

  • deliver occupational information.

  • provide on-line databases for purposes of occupational options.

  • provide on-line searches.

  • provide counseling on-line.


Question 22 of 30


Frank Parsons' three-step model of career counseling relied heavily on:

Select one of the following:

  • psychometrics for analysis.

  • goal-setting.

  • the self-actualization process.

  • character analysis.


Question 23 of 30


All of the following are components of Trait and Factor Theory except:

Select one of the following:

  • decision-making skills

  • understanding the process of career choice

  • self-awareness

  • testing


Question 24 of 30


Donald Super defined career maturity as a readiness to deal with developmental life tasks. He organized a model of stages and substages for the counselor's use in career counseling. Which of the following did Super identify as an exploration task?

Select one of the following:

  • fantasy

  • beginning stabilization

  • interest

  • crystallization


Question 25 of 30


John Holland's classification system (HOC) is used to stereotype individuals, occupations, and environments according to code. Which of the following three letters illustrates the highest level of consistency?

Select one of the following:

  • RSE

  • RSC

  • SEC

  • IEC


Question 26 of 30


Who incorporated Maslow's eight levels of needs into a two-level approach to understanding career selection?

Select one of the following:

  • Donald Super

  • Donald Patterson

  • Edward Bordin

  • Anne Roe


Question 27 of 30


Tiedeman and O'Hara believed that individuals process through seven steps in career development and decision-making. According to these decision-making career theorists an individual who begins to see patterns, connections, or can order relevant information about a career decision would be at which step of this process?

Select one of the following:

  • exploration

  • crystallization

  • choice

  • clarification


Question 28 of 30


An individual assessed by the Strong Interest Inventory as high on the personality stereotype I (Investigative), would best fit in which work environment?

Select one of the following:

  • business

  • political

  • scientific

  • conventional


Question 29 of 30


The goals of occupational exploration and career planning are most characteristic of which developmental group?

Select one of the following:

  • elementary students

  • junior-high-school students

  • senior-high-school students

  • post-secondary students


Question 30 of 30


A librarian at a community college has managed to acquire funds for the installation of a computerized career guidance program. After researching the different systems, the library board along with several administrators agreed that SIGI PLUS and DISCOVER would be the most appropriate systems for purchase. Which statement below cannot be considered an accurate statement describing these systems?

Select one of the following:

  • DISCOVER is a system that combines career guidance and search strategies to provide users with knowledge about self-in-relation to occupational and educational knowledge. SIGI PLUS is an individualized career guidance program that teaches a user the process of career planning and decision-making strategies.

  • DISCOVER and SIGI PLUS are two of the most widely used computer-assisted career guidance systems in the United States.

  • DISCOVER and SIGI PLUS are utilized best by individuals without counselor intervention.

  • DISCOVER and SIGI PLUS are considered viable tools in the career decision-making process.
