Eugin Leen
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

First listen to the audio once or twice. While listening note down as many collocations/phrases/chunks as possible. Then try this Dictogloss Exercise

Eugin Leen
Created by Eugin Leen about 4 years ago


Question 1 of 1


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

I spotted it in a junk shop in Bridport, a roll-top desk. The man said it was early nineteenth century, and oak. I had wanted one, but they were far too expensive. This one was in a bad condition, the roll-top in several pieces, one leg clumsily mended, scorch marks all down one side. It was going very little money. I thought I could restore it. It would be a risk, a challenge, but I had to have it. I paid the man and brought it back to my workroom at the back of the garage. I began work on it on Christmas Eve.
I removed the roll-top completely and pulled the drawers. The veneer had lifted almost everywhere — it looked like water damage to me. Both fire and water had clearly taken their on this desk. The last drawer was stuck fast. I tried all I could to ease it gently. In the end I used brute force. I struck it sharply with the side of my fist and the drawer flew open to reveal a shallow space underneath, a secret drawer. There was something in there. I reached in and took out a small black tin box. Sello-taped to the top of it was a piece of lined notepaper, and written on it in shaky handwriting: “Jim’s last letter, received January 25, 1915. To be buried with me when the time comes.” I knew as I did it that it was wrong me to open the box, but curiosity got the better of my scruples. It usually does.
Dearest Connie, I write to you in a much happier frame of mind because something wonderful has just happened that I must tell you about at once. We were all standing in our trenches yesterday morning, Christmas morning. It was crisp and quiet all about, as beautiful a morning as I’ve ever seen, as cold and as a Christmas morning should be. I should like to able to tell you that we began it. But the truth, I’m ashamed to say, is that Fritz began it. First someone saw a white flag waving from the trenches opposite. Then they were calling to us from across no man’s land, “Happy Christmas, Tommy! Happy Christmas!” When we had got the surprise, some of us shouted back, “Same to you, Fritz! Same to you!” I thought that would be that. We all did. But then suddenly one of them was up there in his grey greatcoat and waving a white flag. “Don’t shoot, lads!” someone shouted. And no one did. Then there was another Fritz up on the parapet, and another. “Keep your heads down,” I told the men, “it’s a trick.” But it wasn’t.
