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Quiz on Peace Making and Peace Keeping Quiz, created by jessie.rubini on 10/10/2013.

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Created by jessie.rubini almost 11 years ago

Peace Making and Peace Keeping Quiz

Question 1 of 26


On what day did WWI break out?

Select one of the following:

  • September 5, 1915

  • October 6, 1914

  • June 28, 1914


Question 2 of 26


Who belonged to the Triple Entente?

Select one of the following:

  • Italy, Belgium, France

  • France, Russia, Britian

  • China, Germany, Belgium

  • US, Russia, Britain


Question 3 of 26


After Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, which country mobilizes to protect Serbia?

Select one of the following:

  • France

  • Germany

  • Russia

  • Ottoman Empire


Question 4 of 26


What were the Effects of the treaty of St.Germain?

Select one of the following:

  • Broke up Ottoman Empire, split Turkey

  • Joined Austria and Hungary to form modern Austria, limited their army, placed blame , changed their currency

  • Broke up Austrian Empire, required reparations, placed blame, made Austria consult the LON

  • Broke up Hungary, created Turkey, required reparations


Question 5 of 26


What did the Treaty of Versailles do?

Select one of the following:

  • Required war reparations from Germany, placed blame, limited its military, gave Allsays Reign to France, mandated that no soldiers could be in the Rhineland

  • Required war reparations from Austria, placed blame, limited its military, gave Hungary to France, mandated that no soldiers could be in Hungary

  • Required war reparations from Germany, placed blame, limited its military, gave Berlin to France, mandated that no soldiers could be in Munich

  • Required war reparations from the Ottoman Empire, placed blame, limited its military, gave territory to France


Question 6 of 26


During the Peace Conferences, what did Japan want after WW1 ?

Select one of the following:

  • Recognition for battling Russia in China, Chinese Islands in Pacific, clause about war crimes

  • Money for war debts, a powerful position in the LON

  • Recognition for battling Germany in China, German Islands in the Pacific, clause about racial equality

  • Russian territory, French alliance, Chinese gold


Question 7 of 26


What were Wilson's 14 Points?

Select one of the following:

  • Self Determination

  • Freedom of Seas and Trade

  • End of Colonies and Aliiances

  • Formation of the League of Nations

  • All of the Above


Question 8 of 26


What did the Treaty of Neully require from Bulgaria?

Select one of the following:

  • An agreement with the LON to consult with them before declaring war, an limited military, new currency, became puppet state of Russia

  • Give up territory, war reparations, limited army, take blame

  • Expanded military, new leader

  • No new colonies, a limited military, an alliance with France


Question 9 of 26


What did the Treaty of Sevres do?

Select one of the following:

  • Established Armenia as a state

  • Gave control of Armenia's finances to Allies

  • Restricted Armenia's army

  • Granted Syria to France

  • All of the above


Question 10 of 26


The Treaty of Lusanne, which stopped hostilities between Turkey and it's allies, was created after which treaty failed?

Select one of the following:

  • Treaty of Sevres

  • Treaty of Versailels

  • Treaty of Neully

  • Treaty of St.Germain


Question 11 of 26


Why did the US senate not agree to join the LON?

Select one of the following:

  • To spite Woodrow Wilson

  • To establish America's power

  • Because of the US isolationist policy after WWI

  • Because they were angry at France for stealing their idea


Question 12 of 26


Which countries formed the Little Entente?

Select one of the following:

  • Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Romania

  • Bulgaria, Armenia, Serbia

  • Nigeria, Britain, Egypt

  • Antarctica, Canada, Iceland


Question 13 of 26


The Treaty if Rapallo, signed by Germany and Russia , was meant to do what?

Select one of the following:

  • End the war between the Soviet Union and Germany

  • Give Russia to the Nazis

  • Grant peace between the two nations, who were previously in conflict over land

  • Undermine the Treaty of Versailles


Question 14 of 26


What agreement split the Middle East under French and British control?

Select one of the following:

  • Sykes Picot Agreement

  • Croissant Scone Agreement

  • Smith Gregory Agreement

  • Dawes Agreement


Question 15 of 26


What ignited an uprising in Egypt that lead to its independence from the British?

Select one of the following:

  • After the British dumped oil into the Nile River

  • British exiled the former Egyptian Ruler

  • British posted anti-Egyptian propaganda depicting compromising pictures of mummies

  • Egypt was not allowed to join the LON


Question 16 of 26


Why did no one support the LON?

Select one of the following:

  • No one had money to support it

  • Hitler's rise

  • It was not very effective

  • All of the above


Question 17 of 26


Who was not in the LON?

Select one of the following:

  • US

  • Soviet Union

  • Germany

  • All of the Above


Question 18 of 26


After Germany failed to pay war reparations to France, what crisis occurred?

Select one of the following:

  • Rhur Crisis

  • Locarno springs Crisis

  • Rewar Crisis

  • Berlin Hostility Crisis


Question 19 of 26


What did the Locarno Treaty, signed in 1925, do?

Select one of the following:

  • Renamed a city in Germany Locarno after French Nobility member

  • got Germany to agree to Treaty of Versailles allowed it to join LON

  • exiled Kind Locarno out of France

  • split Germany into East and West Germany


Question 20 of 26


What started the Manchuria crisis?

Select one of the following:

  • US stopped exporting food and oil to to Japan, which caused massive unemployment and starvation

  • US placed an embargo on Japanese goods

  • Japan refused to accept the conditions stated during the Paris Peace Conferences

  • Japan was kicked out of the LON for using unnecessary force on China


Question 21 of 26


Why did Japan invade Manchuria?

Select one of the following:

  • It was rightfully theirs during the Golden Age of Asia, and they wanted to reclaim it

  • China had angered Japan by invading Tokyo, and Japan wanted to retaliate

  • China was weak, Manchuria was independent from China, and had many natural rescources

  • Manchuria was a wasteland, and they thought noone would care


Question 22 of 26


What Commission Report gave Manchuria to Japan as a puppet state?

Select one of the following:

  • Manchuria report

  • Japanese Mission Report

  • Sykes Picot Report

  • Lytton Commission Report


Question 23 of 26


What was the Stressa Front?

Select one of the following:

  • Agreement between Britain and Italy to uphold Locarno pact

  • German military plan

  • Italian military plan


Question 24 of 26


What started the Abyssinia Crisis?

Select one of the following:

  • A border dispute between Abyssinia and Italian Somalia which allowed Italy to move into Abyssinia

  • Musollini refused to accept policies in the Locarno Trearty

  • Italy fell into a depression, which caused the LON to use it as puppet state , igniting a revolution

  • None of the Above


Question 25 of 26


Why did Italy want Abysinna?

Select one of the following:

  • It expanded Italy's colonial holdings, and was the only African colony available

  • created new Roman Empire

  • had oil deposits

  • All of the Above


Question 26 of 26


Why did Italy want Abysinna?

Select one of the following:

  • It expanded Italy's colonial holdings, and was the only African colony available

  • created new Roman Empire

  • had oil deposits

  • All of the Above
