Rosa Alayon
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on Dev Vlocity, created by Rosa Alayon on 05/01/2021.

Rosa Alayon
Created by Rosa Alayon over 3 years ago

Dev Vlocity

Question 1 of 85


You have a Card with fives card STATES. four of the STATES have a condition. Two of the card states have a true conditions, Which state will be deployed?

Select one of the following:

  • The states that is closer to the bottom in the STATES panel

  • The state that has the higher priority

  • The state that is closer to the top in the STATES panel

  • The state that no has condition


Question 2 of 85


You Want to edit a Card. Which question should you ask and answer before you make changes to the active version of the card?

Select one of the following:

  • Is the Card used on any other Card Layout?

  • Will the Card only be used for testing?

  • Has the Card been cloned before?

  • Will the Card be Activated on the Layout?


Question 3 of 85


What can be launched with an action button on a Card?

Select one of the following:

  • A Vlocity OmniScript

  • A Vlocity Calculation Procedure

  • A Vlocity Calculation Matrix

  • A Vlocity DataRaptor Load


Question 4 of 85


What two items can you include on a card flyout? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS

Select one or more of the following:

  • Account Name

  • Another flyout

  • A link to DataRaptor

  • An OS Action


Question 5 of 85


Which 2 statements about card Layout are True? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS

Select one or more of the following:

  • A Card Layout requires a template to be assigned to it

  • A Card Layout requires its own data source

  • A Card Layout requires test data source settings

  • A Card Layout can contain multiple cards


Question 6 of 85


What 2 items do Card state conditions determine?

Select one or more of the following:

  • What data source is used to display the card

  • What template is used to display the Card

  • What information and actions are displayed on the Card

  • What zone the card appears in


Question 7 of 85


Which JSON node stores the data for a Card?

Select one of the following:

  • parent

  • records

  • obj

  • params


Question 8 of 85


You have so many fields on a Card that it looks cluttered. Based on best practices, what is the most efficient way to declutter the Card?

Select one of the following:

  • Use a card flyout

  • Delete some of the actions

  • Use a second Zone

  • Use a second Card


Question 9 of 85


Which description below best matches what the Show XML interface Feature does?

Select one of the following:

  • Provides a visual editor to configure the metadata for the component

  • Makes the Card usable in the OmniScript Designer via the Custom LWC element

  • Enables you to group the card by object type or by the order appear in the database

  • Enables a Card to use a Vlocity Integration Procedure to return a set actions


Question 10 of 85


You want to use a custom LWC data table to display a list of records for an account . What do you need to configure to set names of the columns?

Select one of the following:

  • Records custom LWC attribute

  • columns session variable

  • records session variable

  • columns custom LWC attribute


Question 11 of 85


When using a session variable in the Card Designer to put a Salesforce standard icon in a card, what syntax would you use?

Select one of the following:

  • {{standard:account}}

  • [‘standard’, ‘contact’]

  • “standard””contact”

  • standard.account


Question 12 of 85


You want a Card to use the Layout’s data source. What data source do you select for the Card?

Select one of the following:

  • Dual

  • DataRaptor

  • Apex Remote

  • no source / Layout


Question 13 of 85


Which two of the items below must be defined before you can create a New OmniScript? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS

Select one or more of the following:

  • Description

  • SubType

  • Template

  • Type


Question 14 of 85


For testing an Omniscript, the ContextId is the only key in a Set Value Element Before going into production, what are 2 possible best practices for this ContexId? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS

Select one or more of the following:

  • Deactivate the Set Values element

  • Delete the Set Values Element

  • Do nothing. it will be ignored at runtime

  • Add the correct ContextId to the {Data} modal


Question 15 of 85


In an OS you have a disclosure element that displays only if the user already checked a Non-Disclosure Agreement checkbox. Which conditional view option do you choose?

Select one of the following:

  • Set element to read only if false

  • Set required element to optional if false

  • Set element to repeat if false

  • Hide element if false


Question 16 of 85


In an OmniScript, What is unique about a Requirement in a Messaging Element? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS

Select one or more of the following:

  • it set the element to required

  • it is only available for the false message

  • It makes the banner yellow

  • it requires a Validate Expression


Question 17 of 85


In an OmniScript, you need to get data from a single field in a Salesforce record. What Element does this?

Select one of the following:

  • DataRaptor Post Action

  • Lookup

  • Select

  • HTTP Action


Question 18 of 85


In an OS, you want to configure a Type Ahead block that asks to user to type in a Contact Name, but the dropdown will show their Email Address. How do you configure the DataRaptor extract step and the Type Ahead block?

Select one of the following:

  • Filter the DataRaptor Extract Step with a Name LIKE the filter Value In the Type Ahead block properties, add the Email JSON key to the Typeahead key field.

  • Filter the DataRaptor Extract Step with an Email LIKE the filter Value In the Type Ahead block properties, add the Name JSON key to the Typeahead key field.

  • Filter the DataRaptor Extract Step with a Name LIKE the filter Value In the Type Ahead block properties, add the Name JSON key to the Typeahead key field.

  • Filter the DataRaptor Extract Step with an Email LIKE the filter Value In the Type Ahead block properties, add the Email JSON key to the Typeahead key field.


Question 19 of 85


An OmniScript gets data from Salesforce and from an on-premises billing database. What two Omniscript Could retrieve this data? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS

Select one or more of the following:

  • Navigate Action

  • Response action

  • DataRaptor Extract Action

  • HTTP Action


Question 20 of 85


Which property enables custom LWC to override an individual OmniScripts Element’s component?

Select one of the following:

  • HTML Template ID

  • Enable LWC

  • LWC Override

  • Element type to LWC Component Mapping


Question 21 of 85


What does a custom OmniScript Element Lightning Web component allow you to do?

Select one of the following:

  • Enable custom components that do not extend an element to interact with the OS

  • Extend an OS element to add custom behavior and styling

  • Extend and override an OS modal LWC

  • Create a custom standalone component that does interact with the OS


Question 22 of 85


Why do you need a Response Action element in an Integration Procedure?

Select one of the following:

  • it enforces error checking

  • it controls where the user navigates after the Integration Procedure is completed

  • it call an Apex class and methods

  • it returns data whatever called the integration procedure


Question 23 of 85


You need an Integration Procedure that gets data From Salesforce uses a Vlocity apex class to process data and then sends data to the entity that called Integration Procedure. What 3 Elements do you require for this Functionality? CHOOSE 3

Select one or more of the following:

  • HTTP Action

  • Calculation Action

  • DataRaptor Extract Action

  • DataRaptor post Action

  • Batch Action

  • Response Action

  • Remote Action


Question 24 of 85


You are building a Dataraptor Load for an Integration procedure used in an OS. Based on best practices. How should you Configure the Input JSON?

Select one of the following:

  • Build the input JSON node by node in an editor

  • Copy the input JSON from the Omniscript {Data} modal

  • Copy the input JSON from the DataRaptor Action Debug

  • Build the input JSON node by node in the DataRaptor Design


Question 25 of 85


You are configuring an integration Procedure Action in an OS. The OmniScript needs a JSON response from the integration Procedure but you do not want to wait for the response for the user to proceed. What Feature do you Enable?

Select one of the following:

  • Toast completion

  • Invoke mode fire and forget

  • Use future

  • Invoke mode Non-Blocking


Question 26 of 85


What pre-populates the Data in a PDF used by an OmniScript?

Select one of the following:

  • A SOQL query

  • A DataRaptor Tramsforn

  • A DataRaptor Load

  • A DataRaptor Extract


Question 27 of 85


Of the questions listed below, which 2 are ones you need to answer when you create a DataRaptor Extract? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS

Select one or more of the following:

  • which Sobject or Sobjects contain the data i need?

  • Which card will be using this Dataraptor?

  • Which OmniScript template will be using?

  • what should I name the JSON node where the data will be sent?


Question 28 of 85


What part of a DataRaptor Extract defines the JSON that is shared with vlocity apps?

Select one of the following:

  • Preview response

  • Output JSON Path

  • Expected Output

  • Extract JSON path


Question 29 of 85


In a DataRaptor Extract JSON PATH, which option below has the correct syntax for a relationship query native Salesforce Record?

Select one of the following:

  • Account:ContactId__r.Name

  • Account:ContactId__r:Name

  • Account:ContactId.Name

  • Account:ContactId:Name


Question 30 of 85


Which DataRaptor load property helps prevent duplicates from being created?

Select one of the following:

  • default value

  • is lookup

  • upsert key

  • is required for upsert


Question 31 of 85


if the Email Address of Contact is changed in an OS, which of the following should be configured to update the Contact’s record in Salesforce?

Select one of the following:

  • A DataRaptor Transform that maps the new phone number to the oldEmail Address field

  • A DataRaptor load that includes the RecordID, the upsert key Selected and the new Email Address

  • A DataRaptor Transform that includes the previous phone number with the upsert key selected and the new Email Address

  • A DataRaptor Extract that includes the RecordID, the upsert key selected, and the new Email Address


Question 32 of 85


You are importing a list of new products into Salesforce and need to map the new products to the appropriate PriceBook Entries. What type of DataRaptor Load Mapping keeps track of the new products RecordIds as they are created to use in the PriceBook Entries you need to create?

Select one of the following:

  • Linked Mapping

  • Lookup Key

  • Relationship Query

  • Lookup mapping


Question 33 of 85


Which Calculation Procedure Version in the list would execute on 2/25/2020al 12:00 PM?

Select one of the following:

  • Version number 4

  • Version number 1

  • Version number 2

  • Version number 3


Question 34 of 85


What parent JSON node name must be sent to a Calculation Procedure?

Select one of the following:

  • Inputs

  • Input

  • inputs

  • input


Question 35 of 85


Which 3 are true about Calculation Matrix Inputs?

Select one or more of the following:

  • They can be a combination of Values

  • They must be Unique

  • They must contain numerical Data

  • They can represent Range


Question 36 of 85


On a card Layout, a card displays Salesforce data, but one of the fields shows only the label. What could cause this?

Select one of the following:

  • The field is null in the Salesforce record

  • There are no Test Data Source settings configured

  • The card template only supports a limited number of field for display

  • In the card definition, is misspelled in the Data Source Input Map


Question 37 of 85


An OmniScript saves data to Salesforce and to an AWS OM system. what OmniScript elements could save all this Data?

Select one of the following:

  • HTTP Action

  • DataRaptor Post Action

  • Integration Procedure Action

  • DataRaptor Load Action


Question 38 of 85


An OmniScript updates data from one Salesforce record, but when it completes, none of the data is updated in Salesforce. A DataRaptor Load saves the data. What error could cause this behavior? (Choose 2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • The Input JSON paths in the DataRaptor Load do not match the JSON sent from the OmniScript.

  • In The DataRaptor Load, in the preview tab, the RecordId is from the wrong record type.

  • ContextId is misspelled in the merge code that passes the RecordId to the DataRaptor.

  • In the OmniScript Preview, the ContextId is for the wrong Salesforce record type.


Question 39 of 85


You are configuring a card and card state. The card data source is a DataRaptor which uses the as an input. When you click View Data on the card, valid data displays. However, when you preview the layout in design time, the Card does not display. What could cause this error? (Choose 2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • The RecordId in the layout’s Test Data Source Settings is for the wrong record type.

  • There is no Salesforce record for the card based on the RecordId in the card’s Test Data Source Settings.

  • The RecordId in the card’s Test Data Source Settings is for the wrong record type.

  • There is no Salesforce record for the card based on the RecordId in the layout’s Test Data Source Settings.


Question 40 of 85


You are troubleshooting an Integration Procedure with 2 elements: a Remote Action named FetchCart and a Response Action named ResponseCart. In Preview, what JSON node shows the data sent to the Remote Action?

Select one of the following:

  • ResponseCart

  • ResponseCartDebug

  • FetchCartDebug

  • FetchCart


Question 41 of 85


While using the Lightning App Builder, you add a Vlocity Cards Component to the console, but the Layout you want to add does not appear in the dropdown list. What could cause this?

Select one of the following:

  • The data source for the Layout is not active.

  • The Layout does not have an active version.

  • The layout has a that is for the wrong record Type.

  • The record displayed in the Lightning App Builder preview has no data for the record displayed.


Question 42 of 85


When an OmniScript is Launched from an action on a card, the OmniScript displays, but no Salesforce data is populated, what error could cause this behavior ? CHOOSE 2 ANSWERS

Select one or more of the following:

  • In the DataRaptor Extract Action, the input Parameters Filter Value is misspelled.

  • There is no active version of the DataRaptor Extract.

  • The Id Field for Actions in the card state is not configured with the correct RecordId.

  • There is no active version of the OmniScript.


Question 43 of 85


Does the order of cards matter when there is more than one card state?

Select one of the following:

  • No, the cards Frameworks chooses the card state alphabetically by state name.

  • Yes, the cards Frameworks chooses the first state with true conditions to display.

  • No, the order of card states does not matter.

  • Yes, the cards Frameworks chooses the card state without any conditions.


Question 44 of 85


What are 2 reasons to create a version of a card instead of creating a clone of it?

Select one or more of the following:

  • you want, to change the author on a Vlocity managed card.

  • you want to be able to have both cards displayed on the same layout.

  • you want existing card layouts to use the existing version, not the new version.

  • you want, the new version to be used everywhere that the current version in used.


Question 45 of 85


You have an OS, that you need to launch for twenty different Cards. Based on the best practices, which type of action would you use?

Select one of the following:

  • A Custom Action.

  • An action Button.

  • A Vlocity Action.

  • An OS Action.


Question 46 of 85


Which two types of information can a flyout contain? ​Choose 2

Select one or more of the following:

  • Another flyout

  • A link to a DataRaptor

  • Any JSON data

  • Any type of action


Question 47 of 85


Which two statements about a Card are true? Choose 2

Select one or more of the following:

  • A Card can have a multiples states

  • A card requires a Template to be assigned to it

  • A card must have a test data source settings

  • A Card require to own data source


Question 48 of 85


What type of Card state has no fields and only limited actions?

Select one of the following:

  • An edit Model State

  • An active Card State

  • A blank Card State

  • A State with conditional action


Question 49 of 85


Which JSON node store the Data for a Layout?

Select one of the following:

  • records

  • params

  • obj

  • parent


Question 50 of 85


Which 2 of the following approaches display information that might otherwise not fit on a Card? Choose 2

Select one or more of the following:

  • use a flyout

  • use multiple card states

  • use a templates with flyout columns

  • use a list card templates


Question 51 of 85


You want to use a custom LWC data table to display a list of records for an account. What do you need to do to get a list of records?

Select one of the following:

  • Add the records key value pair under session variables

  • Add the records key value pair to the account to the custom LWC attributes

  • Add the columns key value pair to the account to the custom LWC attributes

  • Add the columns key value pair under session variables


Question 52 of 85


An integration procedure is the data source for you layout. Based on best practice, what data source do you select on the card to use the same integration.

Select one of the following:

  • Integration Procedures

  • no source / Layout

  • Dual

  • DataRaptor


Question 53 of 85


What two items below need to be set up before you can create a New OS?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Description

  • Language

  • Subtype

  • Template


Question 54 of 85


In an OS, what is unique about a Warning in a Messaging element?

Select one of the following:

  • if sets the element to required

  • if is only available for the false message

  • if marked the banner yellow

  • if requires a validate expression


Question 55 of 85


In an OS, you need to get data from many fields in a Salesforce Record. What element does this?

Select one of the following:

  • HTTP Action

  • Lookup

  • Select

  • DataRaptor extract Action


Question 56 of 85


An OS gets data from Salesforce and from an AWS OM system. what two OS elements could retrieve this Data?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Response Action

  • Remote action

  • DataRaptor extract Action

  • Navigate Action


Question 57 of 85


What Action causes a user to navigate away from an OS?

Select one of the following:

  • Integration procedure action

  • HTTP Action

  • Navigate Action

  • Remote Action


Question 58 of 85


Which property applies a LWC, component override to every OS element specific type?

Select one of the following:

  • Element type to LWC Mapping

  • LWC Override

  • Element type to HTML template Mapping

  • Enable LWC


Question 59 of 85


What does an OSBaseMixin Component Allow you to do?

Select one of the following:

  • Extend and override an OS modal LWC

  • Extend an OS element to add custom behavior and styling

  • Create a custom standalone component that does interact with the OS

  • Enable custom components that do not extend an element to interact with the OS


Question 60 of 85


What is the propose of the response action element in an integration procedure?

Select one of the following:

  • it returns data whatever called the integration procedure

  • it calls an HTTP GET Method

  • it call an Apex class and methods

  • it enforce error checking


Question 61 of 85


You are configuring the API URL in an HTTP Action element within an integration procedure. What is the merge code syntax for passing a Date node from a element named DRXformPost in te URL?

Select one of the following:

  • %DRXformPost.Date%

  • %DRXformPost:Date%

  • [‘DRXformPost’][‘Date’]

  • {{DRXformPost:Date}}


Question 62 of 85


In an integration Procedure, you need to perform a calculation on the output of a DataRaptor. Based on best practices, what method is recommended?

Select one of the following:

  • use a Calculation action to call a calculation procedure

  • use an expression in a Set Values

  • use a formula in the original DataRaptor

  • use a matrix action to call a calculation matrix


Question 63 of 85


You need an Integration Procedure that uses a Vlocity apex class to process data and then saves data to Salesforce. What to Element do you require for this? choose 2

Select one or more of the following:

  • DataRaptor extract Action

  • HTTP Action

  • Calculation Action

  • DataRaptor Post Action

  • Remote Action

  • Batch Action

  • Response Action


Question 64 of 85


In this integration procedure structure, what Send JSON Path would you use to send the output of the ActionZ element to response action?

Select one of the following:

  • ActionZ.BlockY.BlockX

  • BlockX.BlockY.ActionZ

  • ActionZ:BlockY:BlockX

  • BlockX:BlockY:ActionZ


Question 65 of 85


You are building a Dataraptor Extract for an Integration procedure used in an OS. Based on best practices. Where should you get an Expected output JSON for the DataRaptor Quick Match?

Select one of the following:

  • write the JSON in the expected output JSON field of the DataRaptor

  • write the JSON from scratch in a JSON editor

  • Copy the JSON from the DataRaptor Action node of the integration procedure

  • Copy the JSON from the DataRaptor Action Debug node of the integration Procedure


Question 66 of 85


Why would you version an integration procedure instead of cloning it?

Select one of the following:

  • the new integration procedure is chainable

  • the new integration procedure will replace the existing all

  • the new integration procedure uses a cache block

  • the new integration procedure will be used independently


Question 67 of 85


In which two fields in an integration Procedure can you use a Function CONCAT or DATEDIFF? choose 2

Select one or more of the following:

  • in a Remote action in an additional output value field

  • in Remote action in a Remote option value field

  • in Procedure configuration in a tracking custom data value field

  • In Response Action in an Additional input Value field


Question 68 of 85


You are configuring an integration Procedure Action in an OS, you need the integration procedure to run immediately and send a completion notification, but you do not want to wait for the notification for the user to proceed. What two features do you enable? choose 2

Select one or more of the following:

  • Toast completion

  • use future

  • invoke mode Non-Blocking

  • invoke mode fire and forget


Question 69 of 85


You received data from an external data source and the data is nested two levels down in the JSON structure. What could you use to simplify this data?

Select one of the following:

  • DataRaptor Transform

  • An HTTP external element

  • An integration Procedure

  • A guided workflow


Question 70 of 85


Which type of DataRaptor gets information from Salesforce for use in Card Layout and OS?

Select one of the following:

  • A DataRactor Post-Transformation

  • A DataRactor Load

  • A DataRactor Extract

  • A DataRactor Post-Transform


Question 71 of 85


When previewing a DataRaptor extract, what is the purpose of mapping a specific Record in PREVIEW?

Select one of the following:

  • To change the JSON in the DataRaptor before it is activated

  • To put information back into Salesforce during testing

  • To test that the DataRaptor is extracting the correct information from a record

  • To ensure the DataRaptor only uses that record id at runtime


Question 72 of 85


What would you use to map extracted Salesforce data field names to the Expected Output of the DataRaptor?

Select one of the following:

  • DataRaptor Output Paths

  • Vlocity Flyouts

  • Vlocity Action

  • DataRaptor Formulas


Question 73 of 85


When Mapping a DataRaptor’s Extract JSON Path What is the correct syntax to use?

Select one of the following:

  • Object:Field

  • {{Object:Field}}

  • Object,Field

  • Object.Field


Question 74 of 85


In a DataRaptor Extract JSON, which option below has the correct syntax for a relationship query native Salesforce Record?

Select one of the following:

  • Account:ContactId__r.Name

  • Account:ContactId.Name

  • Account:ContactId__r:Name

  • Account:ContactId:Name


Question 75 of 85


Which DataRaptor load property helps prevent duplicates from being created?

Select one of the following:

  • is required for upsert

  • is lookup

  • upsert key

  • default value


Question 76 of 85


If the phone number of contact is changed in an OS, Which of the following should be configured to update the Contact’s record in Salesforce?

Select one of the following:

  • A DataRaptor Extract that includes the RecordID, the upsert key selected, and the new phone number

  • A DataRaptor load that includes the RecordID, the upsert key Selected and the new phone number

  • A DataRaptor Transform that includes the previous phone number with the upsert key selected and the new phone number

  • A DataRaptor Transform that maps the new phone number to the old phone number field


Question 77 of 85


A customer has a new Engagement Manager who is going to be the new Primary contact for the account. What type of mapping does DataRaptor Load Use to Create the new contact and then add the new primary contact?

Select one of the following:

  • Relationship Query

  • Lookup mapping

  • Lookup Key

  • Linked Mapping


Question 78 of 85


What parent JSON node name is returned from a Calculation Procedure?

Select one of the following:

  • outputs

  • Output

  • output

  • Outputs


Question 79 of 85


Vlocity Calculation Matrices can be created manually in the user interface, or by uploading what type of file?

Select one of the following:

  • XLS

  • JSON

  • CSV

  • TSV


Question 80 of 85


Which two of the following functions are available in a Calculation Procedure Aggregation Step? (Choose 2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • ABS

  • MAX

  • AVG

  • AND


Question 81 of 85


On a card Layout, a card displays Salesforce data, but one of the fields shows only the label. What could cause this?

Select one or more of the following:

  • In the card state, the Field type for the field does not match the type in the Salesforce record.

  • The Field name in the card state does not match the DataRaptor Extract’s Output JSON Path name.

  • There are No Test Data Source Settings configured.

  • In the card definition, is misspelled in the Data Source Input Map.


Question 82 of 85


An OmniScript updates data from one Salesforce record, but when it completes, none of the data is updated in Salesforce. A DataRaptor Load saves the data. What error could cause this behavior? (Choose 2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • In the OmniScript Preview, the ContextId is for the wrong Salesforce record type.

  • ContextId is misspelled in the merge code that passes the RecordId to the DataRaptor.

  • In The DataRaptor Load, in the preview tab, the RecordId is from the wrong record type.

  • The Input JSON paths in the DataRaptor Load do not match the JSON sent from the OmniScript.


Question 83 of 85


You are configuring a card and card state. The card data source is a DataRaptor which uses the as an input. When you click View Data on the layout, valid data displays. However, when you click View Data on the card, nothing shows. What could cause this error? (Choose 2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • The RecordId in the card’s Test Data Source Settings is for the wrong record type.

  • The RecordId in the layout’s Test Data Source Settings is for the wrong record type.

  • There is no Salesforce record for the card based on the RecordId in the layout’s Test Data Source Settings.

  • There is no Salesforce record for the card based on the RecordId in the card’s Test Data Source Settings.


Question 84 of 85


An OmniScript displays data from an API using an Integration Procedure, but all of the data is missing. What error could cause this? (Choose 2 answers)

Select one or more of the following:

  • The Integration Procedure Preview Input Parameters do not match the JSON sent from the OmniScript.

  • The OmniScript has no active version.

  • The JSON sent from the Integration Procedure Action does not match any of the Original Input for the Integration Procedure.

  • The API url is not allowfisted in Salesforce.


Question 85 of 85


While using the Lightning App Builder, you add a Vlocity Cards Component to the console, but the Layout you want to add does not appear in the dropdown list. What could cause this?

Select one of the following:

  • The data source for the Layout is not active.

  • The record displayed in the Lightning App Builder preview has no data for the record displayed.

  • The layout has a that is for the wrong record Type.

  • The Layout does not have an active version.
