Jason Lueth
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

The Effects Films

Jason Lueth
Created by Jason Lueth almost 9 years ago

American Film History - Unit One

Question 1 of 12


Who does Gov. Swann want his daughter to marry?

Select one of the following:

  • Jack Sparrow

  • Will Turner

  • Commodore Norrington

  • Ambassador Smith


Question 2 of 12


How is it established at the beginning of the film that Jack Sparrow is a pirate?

Select one of the following:

  • He is flying a pirate flag from the mast of his boat.

  • He has a patch on one eye and a parrot on his shoulder.

  • He takes off his hat in honor of the pirate corpses hanging at the entrance of the bay.

  • He shows his Pirate’s Union (PU) membership card to the two guards on the pier.


Question 3 of 12


What is the Pirate’s Code in regard to dangerous situations?

Select one of the following:

  • “Leave no man behind.”

  • “Any man who falls behind gets left behind.”

  • “Any man who falls behind forfeits their share of loot.”

  • “Every man for himself.”


Question 4 of 12


Where do Will Turner and Jack Sparrow have their first sword fight?

Select one of the following:

  • In the governor’s mansion.

  • In a blacksmith’s shop.

  • On the pier.

  • In a tavern.


Question 5 of 12


Which of the following was NOT a nickname for Jean Lafitte?

Select one of the following:

  • The Pirate of Death.

  • The Corsair.

  • The Terror of the Gulf.

  • The Buccaneer.


Question 6 of 12


The rival tornado-chasing group in Twister is introduced by the screenwriter to provide what?

Select one of the following:

  • Needed scientific clarification.

  • Extra conflict.

  • Slapstick comic relief.

  • Story resolution.


Question 7 of 12


How does Dorothy “fly”?

Select one of the following:

  • By releasing a large number of sensors into the funnel cloud.

  • By firing a small rocket engine.

  • When it is dropped from a low-flying plane into the tornado.

  • It never does “fly.”


Question 8 of 12


Rev. Scott’s plan is to escape the sinking boat by doing what?

Select one of the following:

  • Going on deck and firing a flare.

  • Walking to the bow where he hopes to flag down another ship.

  • Exiting through the propeller shaft compartment.

  • Blasting a hole through the hull.


Question 9 of 12


Why don’t all the passengers in the ballroom follow Rev. Scott’s group to safety?

Select one of the following:

  • He only invites his friends to come along.

  • A crewmember orders everyone to “stay put” to wait for help.

  • Few passengers trust Rev. Scott because he is a known criminal.

  • Only fit, athletic people can make the climb up the Christmas tree.


Question 10 of 12


What is the name for the process used to combine elements from two different shots in which a plate is placed in front of the camera in order to prevent portions of the film from being exposed?

Select one of the following:

  • Matting

  • Motion Capture


Question 11 of 12


What is the term for the process of recording the movement of a real object and mapping it onto a computer-generated image?

Select one of the following:

  • Matting

  • Motion Capture


Question 12 of 12


Are the fires burning in the engine room in "The Poseidon Adventure" a visual or mechanical effect?

Select one of the following:

  • Visual

  • Mechanical
