Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Useful vocabulary to use when talking about Movies.

Ricky Rutledge
Created by Ricky Rutledge almost 9 years ago
Copied by miamiavenger almost 9 years ago

Movie Vocabulary Quiz

Question 1 of 1


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

Parts of the Movie:
The place or time a movie takes place is called the
. What happens in a movie is called the
. A movie is usually broken up into many

People in Movies:
The people who act in the movie are
. A
is a part that an actor plays. The main actor is sometimes called the
. When a famous person has a short appearance in a film it is called a
. An
is an unimportant person who acts in the background. A
is a person who watches movies and writes reviews about them.
The person who guides the Movie is the , and the Person who pays for it is the .
The person who does the dangerous stuff in the movie is called the .
Movie Genres:
The type of movie is the movie . A movie that makes you laugh is a
. A movie that makes you scream is a
. A movie that is exciting with lots of guns and explosions is an
movie. Movies about the future or space are known as
films. And a movie about real life is a
. An
film has cartoon characters.

Movies with big budgets that sell a lot of tickets are called . Many of these movies do so well that movie producers make a
, or part II. A Movie that doesn’t do so well at the box-office is called a .

At the Theater:
The place where you watch a movie is called a
. To see a movie, usually, you have to buy a
. The movie is projected onto a large screen using a movie
. An is a person who shows you to your seat and makes sure everybody is quiet during the movie.
