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Questions are related to pg1 of BP summary for History

Created by lewisjameshill over 10 years ago

Cold War BP Summary Pg1

Question 1 of 23


The Bolshevik Revolution (1917) led to what?

Select one of the following:

  • Mass rioting on the streets of Moscow

  • A nationalist government

  • The World's first socialist state

  • The forming of NATO


Question 2 of 23


Most of the World viewed communism as what?

Select one of the following:

  • A force for good

  • A destabilising force that threatened social and political order

  • A destablising force that threatened social and economic order

  • A potential trading partner


Question 3 of 23


David Lloyd George said capitalism and democracy were what?

Select one of the following:

  • "superior to that of communist dictatorship"

  • "an alternative system that had potential"

  • " an antidote to socialism"

  • "an antidote to communism"


Question 4 of 23


Communists theory consisted of which of the following two things?

Select one of the following:

  • The fall of capitalism was inevitable & the proletariat were exploitative

  • The fall of the US was inevitable & the bourgeoisie were exploitative of the proletariat

  • The fall of capitalism was inevitable & the bourgeoisie were exploitative of the proleteriat

  • Communism would inevitably fall to the capitalist forces of "the west"


Question 5 of 23


Communists believed that that all industry, land and business should be state owned because private enterprise was responsible for the division of classes and inequality

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 6 of 23


The West was determined to uphold values of...

Select one of the following:

  • Parliamentary governments

  • Liberal democracy (including rights and civil liberties)

  • Nationalised industry

  • Privatised industry


Question 7 of 23


Workers were encouraged by the USSR to.... causing fear amongst the "west"

Select one of the following:

  • Unite without regard for national boundaries

  • rise up and riot against oppressive governments

  • Refuse to work and initiate strikes

  • Run for elections in governments worldwide


Question 8 of 23


When did Lenin say:- "We are living not merely in a state but in a system of states and it is inconceivable that the Soviet republic should continue to exist side by side with imperialist states"

Select one of the following:

  • May 1918

  • March 1918

  • March 1919

  • April 1919


Question 9 of 23


Which of the following is accurate of the Comintern?

Select one of the following:

  • It was an organisation aimed at co-ordinating communist groups around the World with little control from Moscow founded in 1918

  • It was an organisation aimed at co-ordinating communist groups around the World controlled from Moscow founded in 1918

  • It was an organisation aimed at co-ordinating communist groups around the World controlled by Moscow founded in 1919

  • It was an organisation aimed at co-ordinating communist groups around the World run in Moscow and Beijing founded in 1919


Question 10 of 23


Which of the following is a quote from Lenin

Select one of the following:

  • "We are living not merely in a state but in a system of states and it is inconceivable that the Soviet republic cannot hope to exist peacefully side by side with such aggressive states"

  • “We are living not merely in a state but in a system of states and it is inconceivable that the Soviet republic will continue to accept capitalism without fight"

  • “We are living not merely in a state but in a system of states and it is inconceivable that the Soviet republic should continue to exist side by side with imperialist states”.

  • “We are living not merely in a state but in a system of states and it is inconceivable that the Soviet republic should continue to exist side by side with expansionist states bent on exploitative capitalist principles"


Question 11 of 23


Who released the Fourteen Points theory?

Select one of the following:

  • Roosevelt

  • Harry S Truman

  • Winston Churchill

  • Woodrow Wilson


Question 12 of 23


Which of the following were values in the Fourteen Points?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Self determination

  • High minimum wage

  • Open markets and trade liberalisation

  • The destruction of communism because it was a threat

  • Democracy

  • Collective Security


Question 13 of 23


When were the fourteen points formulated?

Select one or more of the following:

  • September 1917

  • January 1918

  • May 1918

  • January 1919


Question 14 of 23


What was unique about the 14 points?

Select one of the following:

  • They were the first time a US president had backed such ideas

  • First time such ideas had been outlined publically

  • Were outlined on a World Scale

  • Nothing, they were standard ideas that had been seen before.


Question 15 of 23


What was the treaty of Brest-Litovsk?

Select one of the following:

  • The peace treaty between Russia and Germany in World War One

  • A treaty that established Russia as communist

  • A treaty that agreed for Russia to support Germany with economic assistance and weapons

  • A treaty for peace between Russia and Italy


Question 16 of 23


Why did the West feel betrayed by the Treaty of Brest Litovsk?

Select one of the following:

  • The terms were too favourable towards Germany

  • The terms were too favourable towards Russia

  • The terms were anti Western values

  • Meant Russia exiting the war when they could clearly manage to continue it


Question 17 of 23


Russia's economic policy in 1918 meant/included....

Select one or more of the following:

  • It would become an economic superpower that would challenge the West

  • Nationalised industry

  • Privatised industry

  • Western companies, especially French companies, lost out

  • US companies lost out most significantly

  • Meant that war debts to the West weren't honoured

  • Russia would refuse to sell to West


Question 18 of 23


Who was/were executed leading to anger in the West?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Tsar Nicolas I

  • Tsar Nicolas II

  • US diplomats

  • British citizens


Question 19 of 23


Why did the 17th July 1918 execution lead to anger in the West?

Select one or more of the following:

  • He was the cousin of King George VI

  • He was good friends with US president

  • He was the cousin of King George V

  • He was an ally of the West


Question 20 of 23


What action in the Bolshevik revolution (1917) led to tension?

Select one or more of the following:

  • The slaughtering of innocent civilians

  • The involvement of Western troops against the socialist Bolsheviks

  • The anti nationalist stance of the West

  • The pro communist stance of the West was insufficient for Russia at the time


Question 21 of 23


Which of the following were actions by the Comintern

Select one or more of the following:

  • Incited anti capitalist propaganda

  • Attacked US politicians

  • Ended any Soviet trade with the US

  • Incited people to overthrow the government

  • Encouraged strikes and riots in the US

  • Ensured significant gains in communists strength in France and Italy

  • Ensured significant gains in communists strength Germany and Italy

  • Ensured significant gains in communists strength France and Spain


Question 22 of 23


The actions of the Comintern were made worse in the 1930s because of

Select one of the following:

  • US military weakness

  • The Great Depression

  • Russian action in Eastern Europe

  • Strained relations between the US and Europe


Question 23 of 23


Which of the following are accurate?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Woodrow Wilson 1918-21

  • Woodrow Wilson 1913-21

  • Woodrow Wilson 1914-22

  • Woodrow Wilson 1916-22

  • Warren G. Harding 1920-21

  • Warren G. Harding 1921-23

  • Warren G. Harding 1923-27

  • Calvin Coolidge 1923-29
