Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on science biology, created by lerato on 20/04/2013.

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Created by lerato over 11 years ago

science biology

Question 1 of 11


what is a genus and what is a species

Select one of the following:

  • a genus is a group of animals together that have similarities and a species is what the animal/organism is

  • a genus is the first part of the latin name species is the second


Question 2 of 11


what is continuous variation

Select one of the following:

  • continous variation is when results vary in within a range without distinct categories

  • when there are no gaps within the graph


Question 3 of 11


what are the 5 kingdoms?

Select one or more of the following:

  • plants animals fungi prokaryote and protoctists

  • animals prokaytoe


Question 4 of 11


fungi are ______ they feed off _____ and decaying material they are ______ and have a ____ but dont have _____

Select one or more of the following:

  • fungi are saprophytes they feed off dead organisms and decaying material they are multicellular and have a cell wall but they dont have chlorophyll

  • saprophytes they feed off dead organisms and decaying material they have a cell wall


Question 5 of 11


if a male from one species interbereds with a female from another species you get a ____

Select one of the following:

  • hybrid

  • dont know


Question 6 of 11


what are an organisms characteristics determined by

Select one of the following:

  • the genes inherited from their parents

  • how their parents look


Question 7 of 11


Painkillers do not cure infectious diseases.

Select one of the following:

  • because they dont kill pathogens bacteria and viruses they only cure sypmtoms.

  • they dont kill germs


Question 8 of 11


Plants and animals have become adapted in many different ways to reduce the risk of
being eaten by predators.
Describe these adaptations.
Give examples of animals and plants adapted in the ways you describe.

Select one or more of the following:

  • animals have adapted to reduce their risk of being eaten by prey, by being able to camoflouge and blend into its background when a predator is in sight because as they blend in, it wont be easy for the predator to spot its victim. other animals have also grown either horns or prickly spikes, for example the enchida has skies all over it and uses them as self defense when it feels threatend, a springbok can also use its horns to protect itsself from predators , so both horns and spikes could hurt the predator.

  • they can change colour and they have horns.


Question 9 of 11


A person has been vaccinated against measles. The person comes in contact with the
measles pathogen. The person does not catch measles.
Explain why.

Select one of the following:

  • white blood cells produce anitbodies and antibodies destroy the pathogen. antibiotics will also have built the immune system to be stong enough to protect itself from the measles

  • uuu


Question 10 of 11


what is cystic fibrosis

Select one of the following:

  • cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder of the cell membranes it causes the body to produce alot of thick sticky mucus in the air passages gut and pancreas

  • a genetic disorder


Question 11 of 11


what is sickle cell anemia

Select one of the following:

  • sickle cell anemia is a genetic diorder characterised by funny looking red blood cells they get stuck in the capillaries and this deprives the body cells of oxygen

  • a disorder of wrongly shaped cells
