Kendra Hewlett
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

For McgIll PSYC406

Kendra Hewlett
Created by Kendra Hewlett about 8 years ago

PSYC406 Final Exam Study Quiz (Ch.8)

Question 1 of 66


Which of the following is not measured by personality tests?

Select one of the following:

  • dynamic motivation

  • symptoms of distress

  • aptitude

  • Spirituality

  • emotional intelligence


Question 2 of 66


What are the two fundamental features of personality?

Select one of the following:

  • each person is consistent and distinctive

  • each person is fluid and unique

  • each person is consistent and conforms to a standard of personality

  • each person is fluid and distinctive


Question 3 of 66


Which is the "moral principle" of psychoanalytic theory?

Select one of the following:

  • Ego

  • superego

  • id

  • society

  • unconscious


Question 4 of 66


which of the following is not a property of defense mechanisms?

Select one of the following:

  • Help ego reduce anxiety created by id and superego conflict

  • operate unconsciously

  • distort inner/outer reality

  • help the id fulfill it's pleasure principle


Question 5 of 66


humor and sublimation are what level of defense mechanism?

Select one of the following:

  • they are not defense mechanisms

  • Psychotic

  • obsessive

  • neurotic

  • borderline

  • Mature

  • acting out


Question 6 of 66


What are the order of defense mechanisms from most extreme to least?

Select one of the following:

  • Psychotic, borderline, neurotic, acting out, obsessive, mature

  • Neurotic, psychotic, obsessive, acting out, borderline, mature

  • acting out, psychotic, neurotic, borderline, mature, obsessive

  • psychotic, acting out, borderline, neurotic, obsessive, mature


Question 7 of 66


displacement and repression fall under what category of defense mechanisms?

Select one of the following:

  • psychotic

  • neurotic

  • borderline

  • mature

  • acting out


Question 8 of 66


Sally uses humor to mask her unconscious conflicts. Which level of defensive mechanisms does Sally fall under?

Select one of the following:

  • Mature

  • Obsessive

  • Psychotic

  • None, Sally is not using any defensive mechanisms

  • Borderline


Question 9 of 66


Bob lives in a shack but tells everyone that he lives in a palace, and appears to truly believe this delusion. He also denies having any sort of problem, psychological or financial. What defensive mechanism is this?

Select one of the following:

  • Neurotic

  • Mature

  • Pathological lying

  • Psychotic

  • borderline


Question 10 of 66


Kimmy's mom tells her she should try harder in school, and Kimmy replies "yeah cause I see how well school worked out for you", referring to the fact her mom has to work two minimum wage jobs to make ends meet. Kimmy often makes passive-aggressive comments like this, as well as impulsive decisions. What defense mechanism category does Kimmy fall under?

Select one of the following:

  • Shes just a normal teenager, everyone is passive aggressive at that age

  • Acting out

  • Borderline

  • She has borderline personality disorder

  • Oppositional defiant disorder


Question 11 of 66


Altruism is an example of what

Select one of the following:

  • a healthy behavior

  • a "mature" defensive mechanism

  • a source trait

  • Rational emotive therapy


Question 12 of 66


Which is a test designed to measure the type, severity of defense mechanisms?

Select one of the following:

  • Overall Defensive Functioning (ODF)

  • Defense Mechanism Rating Scale (DMRS)

  • Psychoanalytic Scale of Defense Mechanisms (PSDM)

  • All of the above

  • None of the above


Question 13 of 66


What are the draw-backs of the DMRS?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Much specialized training is required for practitioner

  • Low reliability

  • Time-consuming to collect data

  • None of these, it's a well constructed test

  • self-report biases


Question 14 of 66


Which of the following are type theories of personality?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Type A coronary-prone behavior pattern

  • self-theory (Carl Rogers)

  • social learning theory (Bandura)

  • factor-analytical trait theory (Cattell)

  • Five factor model (Goldberg)

  • Humoral theory (Hippocrates)

  • Eysenck personality questionnaire


Question 15 of 66


Does type A behavior cause coronary heart disease (CHD)?

Select one of the following:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Some aspects of Type A are risk factors

  • Type actually reduces risk of CHD


Question 16 of 66


Existentialism contributed to the foundation of what type of personality theories?

Select one of the following:

  • Type theories

  • Phenomenological theories

  • behavioral and social learning theories

  • Trait conception theories

  • None of the above

  • two of the above


Question 17 of 66


Which are two people involved with phenomenological theories?

Select one of the following:

  • Husserl and Kierkegaard

  • Kieregard and Bandura

  • Bandura and Cattell

  • Goldberg and Husserl

  • Comrey and Cattell


Question 18 of 66


who was the MOST influential phenomenological theorist (according to the text)

Select one of the following:

  • Husserl

  • Bandura

  • Penfield

  • Carl Rogers

  • Myers-Briggs


Question 19 of 66


This test involves sorting cards with things like "I am poised" into piles from "Least like me" to "Most like me" (9 piles total). It is meant to measure self-concept and is a test related to self-theory (Carl Rogers). The card stacks can be instructed to be produced as a "self-sort" or as the examinee's "Ideal sort". Which test is this?

Select one of the following:

  • Wisconsin Card sorting task

  • Q-technique

  • Self-concept card task

  • Phenomenological test of self

  • None of the above

  • A test does not exist that fits these parameters


Question 20 of 66


The I-E scale measures....

Select one of the following:

  • Introversion-extroversion

  • Internal versus external locus of control

  • Idealism and pessimism

  • Emotional intelligence


Question 21 of 66


Which are true?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Social learning theorists and behavioral theorists believe cognition is important for behavior

  • Social learning theorists believe cognition is important for behavior

  • behavioral theorists believe cognition is important for behavior

  • behavioral theorists believe cognition is not important for behavior

  • Social learning theorists believe cognition is not important for behavior

  • neither social learning theorists OR behavioral theorists believe cognition is important for behavior


Question 22 of 66


The Classroom Questionnaire is designed to measure what:

Select one of the following:

  • Emotional intelligence

  • Ability to look after children with mental illnesses in a school setting

  • Self-efficacy

  • the interactions between students and teachers through direct observation

  • student personality changes over time


Question 23 of 66


What is a measure of self-efficacy?

Select one of the following:

  • Bandura's Self-efficacy test

  • Classroom questionnaire

  • Q-technique

  • Thematic apperception test (TAT)

  • Personality research form (PRF)


Question 24 of 66


"I hate getting stuck behind a slow driver". This question in a Yes/No format would give tester's information about what sort of trait?

Select one of the following:

  • Source trait

  • Surface trait

  • Deep trait

  • Personality trait

  • Impatience


Question 25 of 66


Cattell designed what theory?

Select one of the following:

  • Factor-analytic trait theory

  • Self-theory

  • humoral theory

  • Cattell personality theory

  • Fundamental lexical hypothesis


Question 26 of 66


Goldberg's five factor model of personality includes:

Select one or more of the following:

  • Extroversion

  • Openness

  • Intuition

  • Excitability

  • agreeableness

  • conscientiousness

  • neuroticim

  • Charisma

  • attitude


Question 27 of 66


The five factor model is based on the fundamental lexical hypothesis. True/false?

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False

  • Causally related


Question 28 of 66


What is TRUE about the Five factor Model of Personality

Select one or more of the following:

  • It captures individual difference related to basic functions of survival and reproductive success

  • it is based on the fundamental lexical hypothesis

  • It is based on the idea that trait terms have survived in language because they convey important information about our dealings with others

  • The NEO-PI-R and shorter version the NEO-FFI are both personality tests which are based on the Five Factor model

  • OCEAN is the acronym commonly used to remember the 5 factors


Question 29 of 66


Which are ISSUES with trait approaches to personality?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Debate whether traits cause behaviour or merely describe it

  • low predictive validity

  • There are too many traits to separate out into factors

  • People are all too different to classify


Question 30 of 66


Personality coefficient describes the low correlations between people's scores on a trait and their behaviours. True or false?

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False


Question 31 of 66


Projective testing involves presenting examinee with vague/ambiguous stimuli in order to reveal inner aspects of personality, and are commonly based on _____________.

Select one of the following:

  • CBT

  • Freudian theory

  • Psychoanalytic theory

  • Behavioral techniques


Question 32 of 66


Which are techniques of projective personality tests?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Word association

  • Inkblot

  • Expression with drawing/playing

  • picture arrangement

  • story completion

  • sentence completion

  • dream analysis


Question 33 of 66


What is the preferred scoring system for the rorschach inkblot test?

Select one of the following:

  • Rorschach Preformance assessment system (R-PAS)

  • Two of these are very commonly used

  • The Rorschach system

  • The Comprehensive system

  • All of these are commonly used


Question 34 of 66


The R-PAS improved on the CS in many ways. Which of the below is NOT one of these improvements

Select one or more of the following:

  • evidence based selection of scoring variables

  • detailed guidelines for administration

  • methods to optimize number of responses

  • normative reference values for international samples

  • tables for conventionality and accuracy

  • Inexpensive scoring (web-based)

  • reduced the number of inkblots used from 10 to 5

  • easy to read graphs

  • translated into many languages


Question 35 of 66


The Roschach can be useful in determining if psychotherapy would be beneficial to a client. True/false.

Select one of the following:

  • True

  • False


Question 36 of 66


Which of the following in not a projective test?

Select one of the following:

  • House-tree-person test (HTP)

  • Draw-a-person test (DAP)

  • Rotter incomplete sentances blank (RISB)

  • Rorschach inkblot test

  • Thematic apperception test (TAT)

  • Millon Clinical multiaxial inventory-III (MCMI-III)

  • Pleasant Events Scale (PES)

  • Two of the above


Question 37 of 66


What is the Thought Disorder Index?

Select one of the following:

  • Measure of Delusional Disorder

  • Scoring method for the Rorschach test

  • A scale measuring propensity towards eating disorders

  • A test given to measure the severity of "Borderline" level defense mechanisms

  • None of the above


Question 38 of 66


In a study by Albert, Fox and Khan it was found that informed Schizophrenia fakers were diagnosed by the Rorschach 72% of the time, whereas actual Schizophrenics only achieved diagnosis 48% of the time. Was this a real study?

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 39 of 66


What are controversies/negatives about the use of the Rorschach?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Fakers

  • Low reliability

  • lack of predictive validity

  • learning and scoring system is arduous

  • Administration is time consuming


Question 40 of 66


What is UNTRUE about the Rotter Incomplete Sentance Blank (RISB)?

Select one or more of the following:

  • It is a projective test

  • It involves sentence completion

  • It has three forms (Highschool, college, adult)

  • it measures conflict/positive/neutral responses

  • High reliability

  • Quick and efficient

  • There is possibility of self-report bias

  • it produces single score which may not capture the subtleties of personality

  • All of these are true (If this is the case ONLY select this option)

  • None of these are true (if this is the case ONLY select this option)


Question 41 of 66


Which of the following are TRUE about the Thematic apperception test (TAT)?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Contains 30 pictures with one card being blank

  • asks examinee's to make up dramatic story about each picture

  • low test-retest reliability (ACC)

  • CAT is the adaptation of TAT meant for kids

  • Has abundant scoring and interpretation methods

  • Origionally designed to test needs outlined in Murray's personality theory

  • TAT has proved helpful in understanding those with ageneis of the corpus callosum (ACC)

  • The TAT has not received much use in research


Question 42 of 66


Which of the following are FALSE about the Picture Projective Test (PPT)

Select one or more of the following:

  • It is a projective test

  • An improvement on the TAT

  • Uses pictures taken from "Family of Man" photoessay, containing meaningful projective images

  • PTT stories have a greater emphasis on interpersonal themes than TAT

  • PTT is superior to TAT in differentiating psychotics from normal and depressives

  • The PTT and TAT are equal in ability to differentiate normal from depressives

  • The PTT contains a majority of gloomy, dark, negitive scenes in the pictures

  • All of these are true about the PTT (If so, ONLY select this option)


Question 43 of 66


Which of the following is NOT a test derived from the TAT for specific populations?

Select one of the following:

  • Family Apperception test

  • Blacky pictures

  • Diverse nationalities Apperception test (DNAT)

  • Michigan picture test revised

  • Senior apperception test



Question 44 of 66


TEMAS is the spanish version of the TAT, made for kids. The main issue with it is it's low reliability. This is a concern because reliability is necessary for validity. True/False?

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 45 of 66


What is TRUE about the Draw-a-person test (DAP)?

Select one or more of the following:

  • It's like Goodenough's Draw-a-man test of intelligence

  • it's an expression measuring projective test

  • Examinee is asked to draw a person and then draw another person of the opposite sex, then make up a story about them

  • clinical-intuitive interpretation is made

  • This is used to screen children suspected of behaviour disorder and disturbance

  • Drawing a man with large eyes and eyelashes is supposed to indicate a homosexuality inclined male

  • The DAP:SPED is a derivative of this test


Question 46 of 66


The House-tree-person test (HTP) is an example of a projective test. Which of the below are FALSE about it?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Can be effectively used as an intelligence test for kids

  • House drawing mirrors home life, tree infers environment experience, and person infers interpersonal relationships

  • Involves freehand drawing a person, tree and house

  • The HTP is a good measure of personality


Question 47 of 66


What was true about the case study where a soldier shot himself in the foot and was unable to return to duty?

Select one of the following:

  • He was diagnosed with a projective test

  • He was found to be a war criminal upset that he could no longer go to war and shoot at people

  • He was found to be schizophrenic

  • He shot himself in the foot because he was depressed and wanted to die

  • Two of the above are TRUE

  • All of the above are TRUE

  • Three of the above are TRUE


Question 48 of 66


Which of the following is not a Theory-guided inventory?

Select one of the following:

  • Personality research form (PRF)

  • State-trait anxiety inventory (STAI)

  • Eysenck personality questionnaire (EPQ)

  • Two of the above


Question 49 of 66


Which TWO are based on Murray's theory of Manifest Needs?

Select one or more of the following:

  • TAT

  • Rorscharch

  • Beck Depression inventory

  • Personality Research Form

  • Only ONE of the TWO is listed. (Select this option AND the one correct)


Question 50 of 66


Which is TRUE about the Personality Research Form (PRF)?

Select one or more of the following:

  • T/F inventory

  • Produces 20 personality scales and 2 validity scores

  • good internal consistency

  • based on manifest needs

  • it's a factor-analytically derived inventory

  • It's a projective test just like TAT


Question 51 of 66


What does the State-trait anxiety inventory measure?

Select one of the following:

  • It differentiates between temporary state anxiety and long standing anxiety

  • It is used to clinically diagnose those with anxiety

  • It allows practitioners to follow patients as their temporary anxiety transitions into permanent anxiety

  • It's a structured clinical interview meant to measure anxiety


Question 52 of 66


What are the three dimensions measured by the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ)?

Select one of the following:

  • Psychoticism, extroversion, neurotisicm

  • extroversion, neurotisicm, openness

  • Conscientiousness, neuroticism, compassion

  • Extroversion/introversion, neuroticsm/sanity, Psychosis/normalcy


Question 53 of 66


What type of test is the Comrey personality scales (CPS)?

Select one of the following:

  • Exposure-based

  • Factor-analytically keyed

  • criterion-keyed

  • self-monitoring

  • Theory guided


Question 54 of 66


Which one of these is not a criterion-keyed inventory?

Select one of the following:

  • Minnesota multphasic personality inventory-2 (MMPI-2)

  • Personality inventory for children-2 (PIC2)

  • Beck depression Inventory (BDI)

  • Millon Clinical Multiaxial inventory-III (MCMI-III)


Question 55 of 66


What is TRUE of the MMPI-2?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Contains over 500 T/F questions

  • The MMPI control group was narrow and item content was sexist/obsolete so the test was revised to the MMPI-II

  • 4 validity scales, and 10 clinical scales

  • Good reliability

  • There is overlap between some scales and it is lengthy to administer

  • L scale is items scored in wrong direction to identify deliberate test-taking attitude. The F scale is meant to signify psychiatric pathology, but are rarely selected so usually "cry for help". K scale detects defensiveness. "Cannot say" validity scale also exists

  • can be scored scale-by- scale or configural (typed)


Question 56 of 66


Advantages of MCMI-III over MMPI-2?

Select one of the following:

  • Much shorter

  • compatible with DSM-IV

  • higher validity

  • Two of the above

  • All of the above


Question 57 of 66


What is TRUE about the Personality Inventory for Children - 2 (PIC-2)?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Child does the questionnaire, and there is a m=complimentary one for the parents/teacher

  • Reliability and validity are poor

  • assesses social skill deficits, family dysfunction, delinquency, impulsivity, cognitive impairment

  • It is a exposure based method


Question 58 of 66


Which of the following are behavior assessments?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Exposure based

  • Cognitive behaviour therapies

  • Self-monitoring

  • direct systematic observation


Question 59 of 66


The Behaviour avoidance test (BAT) is a type of Exposure-based assessment meant to see how long a client can tolerate anxiety-inducing stimuli. It is used to evaluate fears and phobias and has a strong correlation with self-reported catastrophic thought measures. True/false?

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 60 of 66


Name the exposure-based therapies

Select one of the following:

  • Rational emotive therapy (RET) and pleasant events scale (PES)

  • Behavioural avoidance test (BAT) and fear survey schedule (FSS)

  • Cattell's behavioural avoidance test (CBAT) and fear survey schedule (FSS)

  • None of the above are BOTH exposure based therapies


Question 61 of 66


The Rational emotive therapy (RET) and Beck depression inventory (BDI) are both examples of _______ therapies.

Select one of the following:

  • Exposure-based

  • self-monitoring

  • cognitive behaviour

  • criterion keyed


Question 62 of 66


Self-monitoring produces are a type of behavioural assessment where the patient ________________.

Select one of the following:

  • writes a list of everything they do each day for their clinician to evaluate

  • is observed directly in their daily activities

  • actively participates in therapy to meet their goals

  • wears a beeper that goes off when the patient must record how they are feeling at that time.


Question 63 of 66


The Pleasant Event schedule (PES) involves:

Select one of the following:

  • Rating each events pleasantness and eliminating those that are negative entirely

  • Both of these answers are correct

  • The patient identifying which events make them happiest thought out the day and integrating them into their daily routine more


Question 64 of 66


In what situations is direct systematic observation useful?

Select one or more of the following:

  • children evaluation in school systems

  • When there is a lot of children at once to observe

  • When people must be observed for long periods of time


Question 65 of 66


What is analogue behavioral assessment?

Select one of the following:

  • When you tell a patient to preform a behavior and then observe them

  • Clients observed in plausible but manufactured setting to elicit behaviors of interest

  • An example would be following a patient throughout their day and observing behaviour in natural setting

  • All of the above


Question 66 of 66


Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is different from Direct systematic assessment. What does EMA involve?

Select one of the following:

  • It's like direct systematic assessment but with patients in novel environments

  • The real-time measurement of patient experience in real world at the point of experience so results not affected by recall bias

  • It is a single momentary assessment of behaviour done of 10min period every day for 2 weeks

  • Two of the above are true
