Natalia López Zamarvide
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

MoneyBox_Charged for Paying by Cash

Natalia López Zamarvide
Created by Natalia López Zamarvide over 7 years ago

02_L_MoneyBox_Charged for Paying by Cash

Question 1 of 6


What’s the caller’s complaint?

Select one of the following:

  • He was charged extra money in a supermarket for paying cash.

  • He had to pay 7.5% when paying by debit card.

  • He had to pay a booking fee.


Question 2 of 6


The Colston Hall in Bristol say…

Select one of the following:

  • other businesses like theirs charge more for the same service

  • they’re going to start charging 15% for an admin fee

  • their fees are similar to others in the region


Question 3 of 6


Peter Stoneley felt OK regarding the Cardiff show because…

Select one of the following:

  • as s Trading Standards officer he didn’t have to pay.

  • because somebody else paid for the tickets.

  • because he understood that they’re in their right to charge him extra money.


Question 4 of 6


What does the law say about admin fees?

Select one of the following:

  • Businesses can charge as much as they want for one payment.

  • The amount of money to be charged for one means of payment is the same as the bank must get paid.

  • There are no regulations.


Question 5 of 6


The businesses mentioned …

Select one of the following:

  • are breaking the law because they charge more than they should.

  • abide by the law because their fees include elements other than payment.

  • are not crystal clear about their means of payment.


Question 6 of 6


In Peter Stoneley’s view, what can consumers do to avoid being charged for paying cash?

Select one of the following:

  • decide against watching the shows

  • write a card to the Trading Standards Institute

  • opt for a handling fee instead
