

User has deleted their subject information Quiz on Quiz, created by Deleted user on 15/11/2017.
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Zander Prewitt
Created by Zander Prewitt almost 7 years ago
Zander Prewitt
Copied by Zander Prewitt almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

76yof presents with 4 days of dark melanotic stools. What should you grab to bring with you before you go into the room?
  • guaiac card
  • NG Tube
  • developer
  • blood consent form
  • 2U PRBC
  • Speculum
  • culture swabs
  • lube

Question 2

76yof presents with 4 days of dark melanotic stools. You brought in your stuff with you... like a boss... What do you want to ask this patient about?
  • NSAID use
  • pepto bismol use
  • menstrual/vaginal bleeding
  • anticoagulant use
  • easy bruising/bleeding
  • favorite color
  • vaccination history

Question 3

76yof presents with 4 days of dark melanotic stools. You do a rectal exam, it's guaiac positive. You also hear a late-peaking crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur. What is a likely cause of her GI bleeding?
  • longstanding aortic stenosis --> GI AV malformations
  • profound anemia --> AV malformations
  • longstanding mitral regurg --> esophageal varices
  • H. pylori infection --> peptic ulcer disease
  • hemorrhoids

Question 4

76yof presents with 4 days of dark melanotic stools. Guaiac positive stool. VS are stable, patient is not in distress, she is not on anticoagulants, has no cardiac history. Her hemoglobin returns at 6.9, what do you do?
  • transfuse 1U PRBC
  • watch and wait
  • give TXA
  • admit to the ICU and let them deal with it.

Question 5

42yom w/ history of EtOH abuse presents to ED with massive hematemesis. BP 64/22. Patient's mental status is declining. What do you need set up/at the bedside in order to intubate this patient?
  • video and traditional laryngoscopes
  • push dose pressors
  • suction
  • BVM
  • pressor drip
  • central line
  • 2 large bore IVs or IOs
  • bougie
  • NG tube
  • octreotide

Question 6

You have successfully intubated the 42yom w/ massive hematemesis. What medications should be started now in order to reduce morbidity and mortality?
  • fentanyl drip 25mcg/hour
  • fentanyl drip 100mcg/hour
  • IV ceftriaxone 1g
  • PPI drip
  • octreotide
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