Lifestyle diseases


Mapa Mental sobre Lifestyle diseases, creado por Miranda Portilla Ruiz el 19/10/2020.
Miranda  Portilla Ruiz
Mapa Mental por Miranda Portilla Ruiz , actualizado hace más de 1 año
Miranda  Portilla Ruiz
Creado por Miranda Portilla Ruiz hace más de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Lifestyle diseases
  1. They are non-comunicable diseases
    1. Cancer
      1. Chronic respiratory diseases
        1. Diabetes
          1. Cardiovascular diseases
          2. These diseases have increased as a result of
            1. Population aging
              1. Changes in lifestyle
                1. Eating junk food
                  1. Don't doing sports
                    1. Smoking
                      1. Drinking alcoholic drinks
                      2. Globalization
                        1. Urbanization
                        2. Regulations
                          1. Reformulating processed foods to informating the nutrition content of the product
                            1. High in sugar
                              1. High in saturated fats
                                1. High in sodium
                                  1. High in trans fat
                                  2. Regulating the sale of healthy food in schools
                                    1. Increasing taxes on tabaco, alcohol and sugar
                                      1. Facilitating access to quit smoking programs bannig tabaco use
                                        1. Limiting the advertising of cigarattes, alcohol and junk food
                                          1. Creating opportunities for physical activities
                                            1. Parks
                                              1. bicycle paths
                                              2. Promoting the use of public transportations
                                              3. Prevention
                                                1. Governments should ensure access to health services for its population
                                                  1. Access to medicines
                                                    1. Treatment
                                                      1. provided without discrimination
                                                        1. without undue financial hardship
                                                          1. provided with information to manage their own heath
                                                          2. Detection of disease
                                                            1. Diagnosis
                                                            2. Adopting a healthy lifestyle
                                                            3. Elaborated by: Miranda Portilla
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