Thomas Cook


Read the text and decide which answer best fits each gap (text from: Harrison, M. (2014). Cambridge English: Advanced Practice Tests: Five Tests for the [2015] Cambridge English: Advanced Exam: with Key. Oxford University Press. )
Marta PG
Test por Marta PG, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Marta PG
Creado por Marta PG hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

Thomas Cook could be said to have invented the global tourist industry. He was born in England in 1808 and became a cabinetmaker. Then he 1. [blank_start]dawned struck hit crossed[blank_end] on the idea of using the newly-invented railways for pleasure trips and by the summer of 1845, he was organizing commercial trips. The first was to Liverpool and featured a 60-page handbook for the journey, the 2. [blank_start]pioneer forerunner prior foretaste[blank_end] of the modern holiday brochure. The Paris Exhibition of 1855 3. [blank_start]livened initiated launched inspired[blank_end] dawned struck hit crossed him to create his first great tour, taking in France, Belgium and Germany. This also included a remarkable 4. [blank_start]breakthrough leap step headway[blank_end] Cook’s first cruise, an extraordinary journey along the Rhine. The expertise he had gained from this 5. [blank_start]kept took stood made[blank_end] him in good stead when it came to organizing a fantastic journey along the Nile in 1869. Few civilians had so much as set foot in Egypt, let 6. [blank_start]apart aside alone away[blank_end] traveled along this waterway through history and the remains of a vanished civilization 7. [blank_start]flowing going running passing[blank_end] back thousands of years. Then, in 1872, Cook organized the first conducted world tour and the 8. [blank_start]science area land world[blank_end] of travel has not been the same since.
  • dawned
  • struck
  • hit
  • crossed
  • pioneer
  • forerunner
  • prior
  • foretaste
  • livened
  • initiated
  • launched
  • inspired
  • breakthrough
  • leap
  • step
  • headway
  • kept
  • took
  • stood
  • made
  • apart
  • aside
  • alone
  • away
  • flowing
  • going
  • running
  • passing
  • science
  • area
  • land
  • world
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