The Industrial Revolution


Historia Apunte sobre The Industrial Revolution, creado por manuhero el 20/01/2014.
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Resumen del Recurso

Página 1

From the end of the 18th century  onwards there was a fundamental transformation in industry that took Europe from an agrarian economy into and industrial and urban economy. This transformation begain in Britain and was made possible by a series of economic and social changes.1. Population Growth2. The agricultural revolutionChanges in agriculture made farming a source of wealth for the country instead of just a means of subsistence for individual families. The Enclosure Acts were laws that divided the land into large, private estates. This benefited the big landowners who were able to make more profit out of the land. In the other hand, small landowners suffered so they sold their land and work for the large estates or just left the villages and move to the towns to look for work. Farming became more profitable, so landowners invested in land and introduced new methods and technologies to make it more productive. The 4 crop rotation system was introduced and new machinery was invented and at the same time they looked for ways to improve the quality and productivity of livestock.3. Trade and bankingImprovements in transport made trade in Britain easier. Roads were better and canals were built to transport goods. Foreign trade, especially in the colonies, grew. The banks in Britain supported the economic development of the country.

Britain's Economic and Social develoment

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