
Apunte sobre WORLD HISTORY 1 KEY TERMS, creado por hena_nair el 28/05/2014.
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Resumen del Recurso

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Charlemagne-king of the Franks- had a good relationship w/ church-legacy: united parts of Western Europe- HRE, peace & stability- diplomatic relations with Byz & Islam leaders, support of RCC, education/revival of learning (Carolingian renaissance)-when he dies in 814 and after son Loui Pious dies in 840- treaty of verdun 843-- territory divided three ways

Europe:KingsLords/VassalsKnights/VassalsPeasants/Serfsfief- grant of landfealty- loyalty-after age of confusion (who' is king bc charl. died and so did his son..


Causes of 1st crusade:-invasion by muslims on biz empire for Jerusalem (holy land)-heal/restore east/west christianity-cleanse lands of non-christs-vengeance-land=$-god's will-restore lands-Pope Urban II- "call to crusades" clermont 1095: remission of sins unity salvation- higher cause, god's work prove self

1st Crusade 1095-1099:-people- pope urban II, french, HRE, italian forces-goal- recapture jerusalem-outcome- captured jerusalem-effects-1. "kingdom of jerusalem"2. crusade states3. economic development4. knights templar-most successful and fastest crusade

2nd Crusade 1147-1149:-people: Bernard of clair vaux (monk), saladin (king of egypt & syria), louis VII, eleanor of aquitane-goal- rescue crumbling crusader states-outcome- jerusalem recaptured by saladin--military failure-effects-1. restore islamic economic control of the holy land2. discredited crusades as military threat

3rd Crusade 1189-1192:-people- Richard lion hearted of england, frederick barbarosa of hre, philip augustus of france-goal- reclaim jerusalem-outcome- failure: barb died, rich was captured and left, phil aug left-effects-1. mil failure2. trade connections3. eng forced to pay high ransom--high taxes--growing resentment towards english kings4.Magna carta^^ restricts power of kings

Magna Carta 1215-signed by king john -barons revolt for power-restore/give rights to barons-restrict kings power-lower taxes- consent-end revolt

Duke William of Normandy/ the conqueror-becomes eng king after battle of hastings 1066-vassal of france (owns norm) and king of eng

Henry II-king of eng-married eleanor of aquitaine who had been married to louis vii

Louis IX (r. 1226-1270)-reforms:1. beauracracy2. fair local govt3. law & order- ends private war & abolishes serfdom in royal lands4. justice- right to appeal to higher courts5. equitable tax system

Theodora-ruled alongside Justinian and as equal-told him to kill of his political enemies in massacre

Justinian-united & strengthened byz empire:1. religion- christianity (unifying)2. trade- wealth3. military4. gov't-regional governors5. law- justinian code-aiga sophiaCorpus Juris Civilis-Justinian's code of law that provided uniform law throughout the empire

Constantinople-conquered by Constantine-center of trade and culture-center of wealthy eastSchism of 1054-after icon controversy (8th-9th century) & in 726 Pope Leo III bans icons because:1. weaken monastic owners of popular icons2. influence of Muslim & Jewish contempt for image worship3. theological meanings- growing differences b/w eastern orthodox church and western roman catholic church:e- bible=final authorityw-pope interpret, bible=finale-holy spirit proceeded from the father alonew-holy spirit proceeded from father and son "filioque"-pope's envoy, cardinal Humbertus sent to constantinople to negotiate with eastern officials--negotiations break down & excommunication of east officials- east condemns westMonastic Life-Christianity became unifying force as the empire declines-monks must devote themselves and their entire lives to religionBenedict-defines monastic life^^

Hundred Years War 1337-1453-caused bc king edward iii of england claims french crown-war for national identity-ed iii (phil iv's daughters son) vs. phil ii (phil iv brothers son)-france- had advantage of population and wealth but struggled to transition from feudal state to unified state-english-military superiority-consequences-1. high loss of life (comb with black death = pop drop)2. devastation of france3. heavy eco costs- eng spent $5 mil pounds4. social upheaval- kings emerge5. tech advances- canon6. strengthened parliment-kings constant need for $ for war7. nationalism

Joan of Arc 1412-1431-sense of national identity and self confidence -french rally & fight back english in 100 years war

Babylonian Captivity/Avignon Papacy (1309-1377)-origins- struggle between pope boniface viii and king philip (bc of clergy tax) led to election of pope clement v in 1305-moves papacy from rome to avignon france- next 7 popes (av papacy)results- damaged papal prestige-influence by kings-curia = pap govt

Great Schism 1377/8-1417-2 popes elected (one in france and 1 in eng)--both refuse to recognized the other-further eroded church prestige

Renaissance-individualism & human potential in art

Medici Family-great arts patrons- florence

Humanism-greek/latin--classics-individualism-human potential-worldly life

War of the Roses 1455-1485-henry vi of lancaster challenged by duke of york-henry tudor = henry vii-tudor dynasty

Ivan III (1462-1505)-increased territory-ended mongol rule-moscow-center power away from aristocratic princes

Ferdinand and Isabella-untied aragon and castile in marriage-total religious control-exiled jews and muslims (previously been in harmony)-focused on expansion to new worldSpanish Inquistition 1478-1492-root out heretics& insecure converts-200,000 jews exiled


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Reported Speech
María Escobar
Vocabulario Inglés (I y II) para la Selectividad
maya velasquez
Los Valores
David Gomez
Present Simple
Billy Yañez
Organizadores graficos
Parte General Código Penal
MJ Maza
Diferenciación de términos de Manejo Ambiental.
Néstor Humberto Mateus Pulido
Ulises Yo
Presentación de Estudios Ambientales
Edtith Sarmiento Reyes
Texto Narrativo
Diana Banda